Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/528

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Exclusion from spe- cial areas. Persons and goods in transit. Arms, etc. the foregoing shall not be construed to prevent either High Con- tracting Party from excluding aliens from special areas within its territories closed to visit by law, military order or regulations. The measures of a general or particular character which either of the High Contracting Parties is obliged to take in case of an emergency affecting the safety of the State or vital interests of the country may, in exceptional cases and for as short a period as possible, involve a deviation from the provisions of this paragraph, it being under- stood that the principle of freedom of transit must be observed to the utmost possible extent. Persons and goods in transit shall not be subjected to any transit duty, or to any unnecessary delays or restrictions, or to treatment as regards charges, facilities, or any other matter less favorable than that accorded to the most-favored nation. Goods in transit must be entered at the proper customhouse, but they shall be exempt from all customs or other similar duties. It is understood that all goods in transit through the territory of the United States of America and all goods in transit through the territory of Liberia when warehoused or otherwise stored shall be subject to storage charges. All charges imposed on transport in transit shall be reasonable, hav- ing regard to the conditions of the traffic. Nothing in this Article shall affect the right of either of the High Contracting Parties to prohibit or restrict the transit of arms, muni- tions and military equipment in accordance with treaties or conven- tions that may have been or may hereafter be entered into by either Party with other countries. ARTICLE XXII otatorsilvortextsor Nothing in this Treaty shall be construed to prevent the adoption of measures prohibiting or restricting the exportation or importation Control of arms, of gold or silver, or to prevent the adoption of such measures as either etc. High Contracting Party may see fit with respect to the prohibition, or the control, of the export or sale for export, of arms, ammunition, or implements of war, and, in exceptional circumstances, all other military supplies. tions 0 e? o Subject to the requirement that, under like circumstances and con- ditions, there shall be no arbitrary discrimination by either High Contracting Party against the other High Contracting Party in favor of any third country, the stipulations of this Treaty shall not extend to prohibitions or restrictions (1) imposed on moral or humanitarian grounds; (2) designed to protect human, animal, or plant life or health; (3) relating to prison-made goods; (4) relating to the enforce- ment of police or revenue laws. Frontier traic. The stipulations of this Treaty do not extend to advantages now accorded or which may hereafter be accorded to neighboring States in ustoms union order to facilitate short frontier traffic, or to advantages resulting 1748 TREATIES [54 STAT.