Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/561

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MONACO-EXTRADITION-FEB. 15, 1939 1781 powers found in good and due form, have agreed upon the fol- lowing articles: ARTICLE I The High Contracting Parties agree to surrender to each other reciprocally persons who, having been prosecuted for or convicted of any of the crimes or offenses specified in the following article, committed within the jurisdiction of one of the two States shall have sought an asylum or shall be found on the territory of the other. Nevertheless, the extradition shall not take place except in a case where the existence of the vio- lation is shown in such manner that the laws of the country where the fugitive is found would justify his arrest and prosecution if the crime or offense had been com- mitted there. en bonne et due forme, sont con- venus des articles suivants: ARTICLE PREMIER Les Hautes Parties Contrac- tantes s'engagent A se livrer reci- proquement les individus qui, pour- suivis ou condamn6s pour l'un des crimes ou d6lits specifies Al'article suivant, commis dans la juridic- tion de l'un des deux Etats auront cherch6 un asile ou seront trouv6s sur le territoire de l'autre. Toutefois, l'extradition n'aura lieu que dans le cas of l'existence de l'infraction sera constat6e de telle fagon que les lois du Pays oi le fugitif sera trouv6 justifieraient son arrestation et sa mise en juge- ment si le crime ou d6lit y avait 6te commis. ARTICLE II Extradition shall be granted for the following crimes and offenses: 1. Murder, parricide, assassi- nation, poisoning, infanticide; manslaughter, when voluntary; assault with intent to commit murder; 2. Rape, abortion, bigamy; 3. Arson; 4. Stealing accompanied by one of the following circumstances: violence, threats, housebreak- ing, skeleton keys; stealing com- mitted at night in an inhabited house; stealing committed by sev- eral persons or by one person bear- ing arms; 5. Forgeries in a public or au- thentic document, in a commercial L'extradition sera accordee pour les crimes et d6lits suivants: l-Meurtre, parricide, assassinat, empoisonnement, infanticide; 2-Viol, avortement, bigamie; 3-Incendie volontaire; 4-Vol avec l'une des circon- stances suivantes: violence, me- nace, effraction, fausses clefs; vols commis la nuit dans une maison habitee; vol commis par plusieurs personnes ou par un individu por- teur d'armes; 5-Faux en ecriture publique ou authentique, en ecriture de com- Reciprocal surren- der of persons prose- cuted for certain crimes. Restriction. ART. 2. Extraditable crimes. 54 STAT.]