Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/564

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TREATIES Accompanying doo- uments. Procedure. from the country or its seat of government, by the consuls or consular agents. If the requisition concerns a fugitive who has been convicted after a hearing in court (contra- dictoirement), it must be accom- panied with a duly authenticated copy of the sentence; if it concerns a fugitive who has merely been charged with a crime or offense or convicted in his default or absence, it must be accompanied with a duly authenticated copy of the warrant of arrest and of the depo- sitions or other evidence upon which such warrant was issued. The procedure of extradition shall be followed according to the laws regulating extradition in force in the country on which the requisi- tion is made. ARTICLE IV The arrest of the fugitive crimi- nal may be requested on informa- tion even by telegraph, of the existence of a judgment of convic- tion or of a warrant of arrest. In Monaco. In Monaco, the application for the arrest shall be addressed to the Minister of State, who shall transmit it to the proper au- thority. InU. S.A. In the United States of America, the application for arrest shall be addressed to the Secretary of State, who shall deliver a warrant certifying that the application is regular and requesting the com- petent authorities to take action thereon in conformity with law. Urgent cases. In each country, in case of ur- gency, the application for arrest may be addressed directly to the competent magistrate in conform- ity with the laws in force. Release, condition. In both countries, the person provisionally arrested shall be ART. 4. L'arrestation du criminel fugitif peut Wtre demandee sur avis mmme tel6graphique de l'existence d'une sentence de condamnation ou d'un mandat d'arret. A Monaco, la demande d'ar- restation est adress6e au Ministre d'Etat, qui la transmet A l'Au- torite comp6tente. Aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique, la demande d'arrestation est adres- see au Secr6taire d'Etat qui de- livrera un mandat constatant qu'elle est rdguliere et requ6rant les Autorites comp6tentes d'y don- ner suite conformement a la Loi. Dans chaque Pays, en cas d'urgence, le magistrat comp6tent peut 8tre saisi directement de la demande d'arrestation conform- ment aux lois en vigueur. Dans les deux Pays, la personne arretee provisoirement sera mise ceux-ci, soit du Pays soit du siege du Gouvernement, par les Consuls ou Agents consulaires. Si la demande concerne un fugi- tif condamne contradictoirement, elle devra etre accompagn6e d'une expedition authentique de la sen- tence; si elle concerne un fugitif, soit simplement inculpe, soit con- damn6 par contumace ou par defaut, elle sera accompagn6e d'une copie authentique du mandat d'arret et des depositions ou autres preuves sur lesquelles le mandat a 6et d6cern6. La proce- dure d'extradition sera suivie con- formement aux lois en vigueur sur la matiere dans le Pays requis. 1784 [54 STAT.