Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/614

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July 17,1939 EGYPT-PARCEL POST- Sep 1, 1939 ARTICni 6. Method of exchange of parcels. 1. The parcels shall be exchanged in sacks duly fastened and sealed by the offices appointed by agreement between the two Administra- tions and shall be dispatched to the country of destination by the country of origin at its cost and by such means as it provides. 2. Insured parcels shall be enclosed in separate sacks from those in which ordinary parcels are contained, and the labels of sacks containing insured parcels shall be marked with such distinctive symbols as may from time to time be agreed upon. ARTICLE 7. Billing of parcels. 1. Separate parcel bills must be prepared for the ordinary parcels on the one hand and for the insured parcels on the other hand. The parcel bills are prepared in duplicate. The original is sent in the regular mails while the duplicate is inserted in one of the sacks. The sack containing the parcel bill is designated by the letter "F" traced in a conspicuous manner on the label. 2. The ordinary parcels included in each dispatch to the United States of America are to be entered on the parcel bills to show the total number of parcels and the total net weight thereof. The ordinary parcels included in each dispatch to Egypt are to be entered on the parcel bills to show the number of each category of parcels according to their weight. The credit due for each category will also be shown. 3. Insured parcels shall be entered individually on the parcel bills to show the insurance number and the name of the office of origin. In the case of insured parcels for the United States of America the total net weight of all the parcels must also be shown. In the case of insured parcels for Egypt the weight and the insurance amount for each parcel must also be shown. 4. Parcels sent "i decouvert" must be entered separately on the parcel bills. 5. Returned or redirected parcels must be entered individually on the parcel bills and be followed by the word "Returned" or "Re- directed", as the case may be. A statement of the charges which may be due on these parcels should be shown in the "Observations" column. 6. The total number of sacks comprising each dispatch must also be shown on the parcel bills. 7. Each dispatching exchange office numbers the parcel bills in the upper left-hand corner in accordance with an annual series. The last number of the preceding year must be mentioned on the first bill of the following year. 8. The exact method of advising parcels or the receptacles con- taining them sent by one Administration in transit through the other, together with any details of procedure in connection with the advice of such parcels or receptacles for which provision is not made in this Agreement, shall be settled by mutual agreement through corre- spondence between the two Administrations. 54 STAT.] 1835 Exchange of parcels. Billing of parcels.