Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/725

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1946 Fruit, fresh (except apples) Manures Tobacco, unmanufactured ST. CHRISTOPHER-NEVIS Self-contained air conditioning machines comprising elements for cooling, control of humidity, cleaning and circulating of air Mules Bags and sacks: For the exportation of produce Other Biscuits, bread and cakes, other than unsweetened Boots and shoes of leather Motor cars, trucks and omnibuses Parts and accessories for motor cars, trucks and omni- buses including tyres and tubes Linseed oilcake and cakemeal Chemicals: Calcium carbide Other kinds Electrical apparatus (including radio receiving sets and parts thereof) Fruit: Canned and bottled Dried Cornmeal Farinaceous preparations (except arrowroot) Nil Nil Nil 5 per cent. ad valorem Present Margin Present Margin Present Margin Present Margin Present Margin Present Margin Present Margin Present Margin Present Margin Present Margin Present Margin Present Margin Present Margin Present Margin Present Margin INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. SCHEDULE III-Continued Article Maximum Margin of Preference Linseed oilcake and cakemeal Present Margin Chemicals: Calcium carbide Present Margin Other kinds Present Margin Electrical apparatus (including radio receiving sets and parts thereof) Present Margin Fruit: Dried Present Margin Canned and bottled Present Margin Cornmeal Present Margin Farinaceous preparations (except arrowroot) Present Margin Grease Present Margin Haberdashery and millinery (except hosiery) Present Margin Hardware Present Margin Implements and tools: Agricultural Present Margin Other kinds Present Margin India rubber and gutta percha manufactures (except tyres and tubes) Present Margin Lard, animal Present Margin Lime, building Present Margin Meats: Smoked or cured, including bacon and hams Present Margin Beef and pork, pickled or salted Present Margin Canned Present Margin Musical instruments Present Margin Oil, lubricating Present Margin Oilcloth and linoleum Present Margin Paints and colours Present Margin Turpentine Present Margin Perfumery and toilet preparations, not containing per- fumed spirits Present Margin Spirits, whisky Present Margin Cigarettes Present Margin Vegetables: Potatoes, other than sweet Present Margin Canned Present Margin