Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/741

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. United States Tariff Act of 1930 Paragraph SCHEDULE IV-Continued Description of Article Rate of Duty With handles of any other material, including those with handles of wood or wood and steel not specially designed for other than household, kitchen, or butchers' use: If less than four inches in length, exclu- sive of handle 2S each an! ad val. If four inches in length or over, exclusive of handle (except hay forks and four- tined manure forks) 80 each ant ad val. Any of the foregoing without handles: With blades less than six inches in length 2S each an< ad val. With blades six inches or more in length (except hay forks and four-tined manure forks) 40 each ane ad val. 855 Hay forks and four-tined manure forks, all the fore- going, finished or unfinished, not specially pro- vided for, with handles of any material other than those specifically mentioned in paragraph 355 of the Tariff Act of 1930, if four inches in length or over, exclusive of handle 2j each ant ad val. 355 Hay forks and four-tined manure forks, finished or unfinished, not specially provided for, any of the foregoing without handles, with blades six inches or more in length 2# each an, ad val. 356 Planing-machine knives, tannery and leather knives, tobacco knives, paper and pulp mill knives, shear blades, circular cloth cutters, cir- cular cork cutters, circular cigarette cutters, and all other cutting knives and blades used in power or hand machines (except knives and blades for meat-cutting, meat-slicing, or meat- chopping machines) 20% ad val. 357 Pruning and sheep shears, and blades for the same, finished or unfinished, valued at more than $1.75 per dozen 100 each and ad val. 888 Safety razors, and safety-razor handles and frames 5f each an ad val. 358 Blades for safety razors: In strips % each an ad val. All other, finished or unfinished 3% each an ad val. 360 Pyrometers and moisture testers which are scientific or laboratory instruments, apparatus, utensils, or appliances, and parts thereof, wholly or in chief value of metal, and not plated with gold, silver, or platinum, finished or unfinished, and not specially provided for 25% ad val. 365 Shotguns and rifles valued at more than $50 each 32% % ad vw 368 (a) Ships' logs, standard marine chronometers having spring-detent escapements, and depth-sounding mechanisms, devices, and instruments; all the foregoing intended or suitable for measuring time, distance, or speed, whether or not in cases, containers, or housings: (1) Valued at more than $10 each $2.25 each (2) Any of the foregoing shall be subject to an additional duty of 32%% ad vi (3) Any of the foregoing ontaining jewels shall be auo to n additionual c mu- ative duty t 12o for ea 1 35% 1 35% d 25% d 25% d 12% d 12% 122X% d 15% Ld 15% .d 15% Al. oh such aL lewel