Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/800

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54 STAT.] LITHUANIA-PARCEL POST-DEC. 4, 28, 1939 Agreement between the United States of America and Lithuania for the exchange of parcel post; signed at Kaunas December 4, 1939, and at Washington December 28, 1939; approved and ratified by the President of the United States January5, 1940. December 4, 1939 December 28, 1939 PARCEL POST AGREEMENT BE- TWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND LITHUANIA For the purpose of concluding an arrangement for the exchange of parcel-post packages between the United States of America (in- cluding Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa, and the Vir- gin Islands of the United States) and Lithuania, the Postmaster General of the United States of America and the Director General of Posts and Telegraphs of Lithu- ania, by virtue of authority vested in them, have agreed upon the following articles: ARTICLE 1. Object of the Agreement. Ordinary, insured, and collect- on-delivery parcels are admitted in the reciprocal relations under the conditions set forth below. Such parcels may also be sent in transit through either country under the conditions prescribed from time to time by the inter- mediate Administration. A. ORDINARY AND IN- SURED PARCELS. ARTICLE 2. Limits of weight and size. 1. No parcel shall exceed 44 pounds (20 kilograms) in weight nor the following dimensions: Length, 4 feet (120 centimeters); provided that parcels over 42 inches (105 centimeters) but not over 44 inches (110 centimeters) long do not exceed 24 inches (60 centimeters) in girth; that parcels PASTO SIUNTINIU SUTARTIS TARP LIETUVOS IR JUNGTINIU AMERIKOS VALSTYBIU Tikslu sudaryti sutart| pasto siuntiniams apsimainyti tarp Lie- tuvos ir JungtiniV Amerikos Val- stybiu (su Alaska, Avaji. Porto- rikos, Gvamos, Samuvos ir J'lng- tiniy ValstybiV Virging Salomis), Vyriausias Lietuvos PaSto ir Tele- grafo Direktorius ir Vyriausias Jungtinil Amerikos Valstybiu Pasto Direktorius, pasiremdami jiem suteikta teise, susitare sitaip: 1 STRAIPSNIS. Sutarties dalykas. Tarpusavio apsimainyme pri- imami iemiau nustatytomis sqlygo- mis paprasti, jvertmti ir isper- kamojo mokescio siuntiniai. Tokie siuntiniai, taip pat, gali buti siunciami tranzitu per bet kuria siu dviojr Aliu, tarpininkaujan- Cios Valdybos laikas nuo laiko nustatytomis s4lygomis. A. PAPRASTI IR IVERTINTI SIUNTINIAI. 2 STRAIPSNIS. Svorio ir dydiio ribos. 1. Siuntinys neturi virsyti 44 svaru (20 kilogramu) svorio nei siu ismieru: Ilgis, 4 pedos (120 centimetrk) su salyga, kad siuntiniai virs 42 coliV (105 centimetry) bet ne daugiau kaip 44 coliu (110 centi- metri) ilgio nevirsyti 24 coliu (60 centimetri) apimties; kad siun- Purpose declared. Types of parcels. A dministrat ionls s Interluediarii's. Weight. 1)imensions. 2021