Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/814

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54 STAT.] LITHUANIA-PARCEL POST-DEC. 4, 28, 1939 shall be liable to such additional charges as may be prescribed by the Administration of that country. 2. When a parcel is redirected to either country, new postage as well as new insurance fees, in the case of insured parcels (which, when redirected, must be dis- patched in the same kind of mails as received) may, if not prepaid, be collected upon delivery and retained by the Administration making the collection. The Ad- ministration making delivery shall fix the amount of such fees and postage when not prepaid. 3. Insured parcels shall not be forwarded or returned to another country unless they are forwarded or returned as insured mail. Send- ers may indorse insured parcels "Do not forward to a third coun- try", in which event the parcels shall not be forwarded to any other country. Unless such par- cels are indorsed to indicate that the senders do not wish them forwarded to any country other than that of mailing or within the country of original address, they may be forwarded to a third country if they are forwarded as insured mail. Insured parcels may be returned to the sender in a third country in accordance with a return address on the par- cels, if they can be returned as insured mail. In the case of loss, rifling, or damage of an insured parcel forwarded or returned to a third country, indemnity will be paid only in accordance with the stipulations of Article 11, Section 4, of this Agreement. ARTICLE 16. bati imama tos salies Valdybos nustatytas papildomas mokestis. 2. Dasiun6iant siuntinj i bet kuria4 siu dvieju saliu, naujas pasto mokestis ir, kai siunciama ivertintas siuntinys (toks, da- siun6iant, turi buti pasiustas to- kios pat ruiies pastu, kokiu jis buvo gautas), nauja draudimo rinkliava, jei nepaimta is anksto, gali buti isieskomi siuntini itei- kiant ir pasilaikomi tos Valdybos, kuri juos isreikalavo. Kai tokios rinkliavos ir pasto mokestis nebu- vo is anksto sumok6ti, ju dydi nustato siuntini itsikianti Val- dyba. 3. Ivertinti siuntiniai dasiun- 6iami arba graIinami i kita, sali tiktai su sslygg, kad jie dasiun- ciami arba grsainami ivertintu budu. Siuntejas gali ant ivertinto siuntinio atiymeti: "Do not for- ward to a third country" (Ne da- siusti i tre6i sal), ir tuo atveju siuntinys nedasiun6iamas i jokil kita salj. Jei ant ivertinto siun- tinio nera siuntejo atfymejimo nurodan6io siuntejo pageidavima, kad siuntinys nebiut dasiustas i jokisa kita sali, isskyrus siuntmio padavimo sali arba i kuris jis buvo tiesioginiai adresuotas, tai ivertintas siunti- nys gali buti dasiun6iamas J tre6ia sali, bet su salyga, kad jis bus dasiun6iamas jvertintu badu. Iver- tintas siuntinys gali biti sugra- iintas siunt6jui i treia s ali pagal paiymet4 ant siuntinio grailnimo adresa, jei ji galima gr4ainti jver- tintu badu. Dasiqstam arba gr4- intam i tre6ia4 ali ivertintam siuntiniui dingus, esant apiple- stam arba sugadintam, atlyginimas ismokamas tik pagal sios sutarties vienuolikto straipsnio, ketvirtos pastraipos nuostatus. 16 STRAIPSNIS. Postal charges other than those pre- Kiti pasto mokesiai, kurie ia scribed not to be collected. sutartimi nenustatyti, neturi bSti imami. The parcels to which this Agree- ment applies shall not be subjected to any postal charges other than those contemplated by the differ- ent articles hereof. Siuntiniams, kuriems taikoma si sutartis, neturi blti taikoma jokie kiti pasto mokesciai kaip tie, kurie jos ivairiais straipsniais numatyti. Insured parcels. .LAte, p. 2029. Restriction on post- al charges. 2035