Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/823

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. Ante, p. 2033 . 2. Upon receipt of a dispatch of collect-on-delivery parcels at the exchange office of the country of destination, the dispatch must be carefully checked and otherwise treated as provided in Article 13. ARTICLE 30. Lists of collect-on-delivery money orders. The offices of New York and of Kaunas shall be the only ones to send lists of collect-on-delivery money orders, and such money orders shall be listed separately from the ordinary money orders and the list shall be marked "Collect-on-delivery" or "Rem- boursement". ARTICLE 31. Unpayable money orders. 1. The collect-on -delivery money orders which have not been paid to the payee for any reason shall be subject to the disposition of the Administration of the coun- try of origin of the parcels to which they relate. 2. When it appears that the collect-on -delivery service was used in furtherance of a scheme to de- fraud, payment of the money or- ders in question will be withheld, if practicable, and the orders dis- posed of in accordance with the equities of each case under the rules and regulations of the coun- try of origin of the collect-on- delivery parcels involved. 3. As for other formalities, col- lect-on -delivery money orders shall be subject to the provisions gov- erning the money order exchange between the two countries. ARTICLE 32. 32 STRAIPSNIS. Responsiilityfor collect-on-delivery Atsakomybe uz iAperkamojo moke- parcels. s6io siuntinius. 1. In case an insured colleet-on- delivery parcel has been lost rifled, or damaged, the posta Administrations are responsible as for an insured parcel, in conform- ity with the provisions in Article 11. 1. Ivertintam isperkamojo mo- kescio siuntiniui dingus, esant apiplestam arba sugadintam, Pasto Valdybos un jj atsakingos, kaip u&ivertinta siuntinj, pagal 11 straipsnio nuostatus. Gavus isperkamojo mokescio siuntiniu pasta paskyrimo salies apsimainymo jstaigoje, tas pastas turi buti rupestingai patikrintas ir visa kita turi buti atlkta, pagal 13 straipsnio nurodymus. 30 STRAIPSNIS. Isperkamojo mokesSio perlaid4i sqrasai. Naujorko ir Kauno istaigos yra vienint6els istaigos, kurios siun- tin6ja isperkamojo mokescio per- laidu sarasus. Sios perlaidos irasomos atskirai nuo paprastu perlaidg ir ju sarasai at~ymimi iodiiais "Collect-on -Delivery" arba "Remboursement" (Isperka- masis mokestis). 31 STRAIPSNIB. Neinmoketos perlaidos. 1. Neismok6tos adresatui del bet kurios prielasties isperkamojo mokescio perlaidos tvarkomos pagal siuntiniu, kuriems tos per- laidos atitinka, issiuntimo salies Valdybos nuoliiura. 2. Paaiskejus, kad isperkamojo mokescio operacija buvo panau- dota vykdymui kokio apgavimo piano, mnuimu perlaidu ismokeji- mas, ]ei tas galma, sulaikomas ir su perlaidomis elgiamasi pagal kiekvieno atsitikimo reikala, ei- nant isperkamojo mokescio siun- tinii issiuntimo salies nustatytais desniais ir vidaus taisyklemis. 3. Kas del kitg formalumy, tai isperkamojo mokescio perlaidoms taikoma veikia tarp abiejV galiq perlaidoms apsimainyti nuostatai. Separate lists. Unpayable money orders. Fraud. Beeponslbility. 2044