Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/894

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54STAT.] UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION-MAY 23, 1939 ARTICLE 115. Papiers d'affaires. 1.- -Sont consideres comme pa- piers d'affaires, a condition qu'ils n'aient pas le caractere d'une correspondance actuelle et per- sonnelle, toutes les pieces et tous les documents 6crits ou dessines en tout ou partie, tels que les corres- pondances--lettres ouvertes et cartes postales-de date ancienne qui ont d6ja atteint leur but primi- tif, et leurs copies, les pieces de procedure, les actes de tout genre dresses par les officiers ministe- riels, les lettres de voiture ou con- naissements, les factures, certains documents des compagnies d'as- surance, les copies ou extraits d'actes sous seing priv6 6crits sur papier timbre ou non timbre, les partitions ou feuilles de musique manuscrites, les manuscrits d'ou- vrages ou de journaux exp6dies isolement, les devoirs originaux et corriges d'6elves, A l'exclusion de toute indication ne se rapportant pas directement A l'ex6cution du travail. Ces documents peuvent Utre accompagn6s de fiches de rappel ou bordereaux d'envoi portant les mentions suivantes ou des indica- tions analogues: enumeration des pieces composant l'envoi, r6fe- rences a une correspondance echan- gee entre l'exp6diteur et le destina- taire, telles que: ,,Annexe A notre ]ettre du_ - -_ M ----- Notre reference--- _- References du client --- .

  • .

Les correspondances de date ancienne peuvent etre munies des timbres-poste obliteres ou des em- preintes qui ont servi A leur affranchissement primitif. 2.-Sont 6galement consideres comme papiers d'affaires, mgme quand ils revetent le caractere d'une correspondance actuelle et person- nelle, tous les envois contenant des objets de correspondance echanges entre eleves d'ecoles, d conditionque ces envois empruntent l'intermedi- aire des directeurs des ecoles in- teressees. ARTICLE 115 Commercialpapers 1. The following are considered as commercial papers, on condi- tion that they do not have the - character of actual personal corre- spondence: All papers and docu- ments, wholly or partly written or drawn; such as out-of-date

  • articles of correspondence (opened

letters and post cards) which have already reached their original des- tination, and copies thereof; pa- pers of legal procedure; docu- ments of all kinds drawn up by ministerial officers; waybills or bills of lading; invoices; certain documents of insurance com- panies; copies of or extracts from documents under private seal writ- ten on stamped or unstamped paper; scores or sheets of music in manuscript; manuscripts of works or newspapers sent separately original and corrected exercises of students, but without any notes not relating directly to the execu- tion of the work. Such documents may be ac- companied by reference slips or notes bearing the following or similar notations: Enumeration of the pieces composing the ship- ment, references to correspond- ence exchanged between the send- er and the addressee, such as: "Inclosure for our letter of ------------- addressed to M.


Our reference


Customer's ref- erence .----------- ." Out-of-date correspondence may bear canceled postage stamps or postage-paid impressions which have served to pay the original postage. 2. The following are also con- sidered as commercial papers, even when they have the character of actual and personal correspond- ence: All articles containing cor- respondence exchanged between students in schools, provided that such articles are sent through the intermediary of the heads of the schools concerned. 2115 Commercial papers. Reference slips, no- tations. V