Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/941

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. d'6change expediteur fait usage Pot. p. 2213 d'une feuille d'avis sp6ciale con- forme au modble C 19 ci-annexe . I1 inscrit A cette feuille d'avis le nombre de sacs en les repartissant, le cas 6ch6ant, dans les categories suivantes: Number exempt Le nombre de sacs exempts de from transit charges. frais de transit doit Atre le total de ceux qui portent 'indication SSta- tistique--Exempt,,, d'apr&s les pre- scriptions de l'article 165, § 4. Verification. 2. - Les indications des feuilles d'avis sont v6rifiees par le bureau d'echange destinataire. Si ce bu- reau constate une erreur dans les nombres inscrits, il rectifie la feuille et signale immdiatement l'erreur au bureau d'echange ex- p6diteur au moyen d'un bulletin Pot, p. 214. de verification conforme au modele C 20 ci-annex6. Toutefois, en ce qui conoerne le poids d'un sac, l'indication du bureau d'dchange expediteur est tenue pour valable, Amoins que le poids reel ne d6passe de plus de 250 grammes le poids maximum de la categorie dans laquelle ce sac a ete inscrit. Statements for closed mails. ARTICLE 167. Confection des releves des d6p8ches closes. 1.-Aussit6t que possible apres la cl6ture des operations de sta- tistique, les bureaux destinataires dressent en autant d'expeditions qu'il y a d'Administrations in- teressees, y compris celle du lieu office makes use of a special letter bill conforming to Model C 19 hereto appended. It enters on that letter bill the number of sacks, dividing them, if occasion arises, into the following classes: Number of sacks whose gross weight exceeds Decription of the does g. exceeds sacks not but bukg. exceed not Intb ig. notk0 sacks) dium 'heavy sacks) sacks) 1 2 3 4 L. C. A. 0. Number of sacks exempt from transit charges The number of sacks exempt from transit charges shall be the total of those bearing the indica- tion Statistique-Exempt in ac- cordance with the provisions of Article 165, Section 4. 2. The entries in the letter bills are verified by the exchange office of destination. If that office finds an error in the numbers entered, it corrects the bill and immedi- ately reports the error to the dis- patching exchange office by means of a bulletin of verification con- forming to Model C 20 hereto appended. However, in regard to the weight of a sack, the state- ment of the dispatching exchange office is considered as valid unless the actual weight exceeds the maximum weight of the class in which that sack has been entered by more than 250 grams. ARTICLE 167 Preparationof statements for closed mails 1. As soon as possible after the close of statistical operations, the offices of destination make up, in as many copies as there are Ad- ministrations concerned, includ- ing that of the country of origin, 2162