Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/955

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. (retrait C11 modification d' adres- (Demande se, modification du de montant du rem- boursement). 0 12 (Reclamation d'un envoi ordinaire non parvenu), C 13 (Reclamation d'un envoi recommande, etc.), o 26 (Coupon-r6ponse), C 28 (Carte d'identit postale). ARTICLE 181. C 11 (request for return, change of address, or modification of C. O . D. charge), C 12 (inquiry about an ordinary article not received), C 13 (tracer for a registered article, etc.), C 26 (reply coupon), ( 28 (postal identity card). ARTICLE 181 D6lai de garde des documents. Period for retenion of documents Les documents du service inter- national doivent 4tre conserves pendant nne p4riode minimum de deux ans d partirdu lendemaimi de la date a laqueUe ces documents se rgfrent. ARTICLE 182. Adresse telegraphique. Les Administrations font usage, pour les communications tel6gra- phiques qu'elles 6changent entre elles, de l'adresse telegraphique

  • tPostgen*, suivie de 1'mdication

de la ville oi se trouve le siege de l'Administration centrale. Pour les communications adres- sees& des bureauz autres que l'Administration centrale du pays de destination, I'adresse telegra- phique doit tre oPostbur suvie de Iindicationde la iUe a laquele le tlegramme est adresst. TITRE IX. The records of the international service shall be kept for a mini- mum period of two years, counting from the day following the date to which such documents refer. ARTICLE 182 Telegraphicaddress Administrations make use, for telegraphic communications which they exchange among themselves, of the telegraphic address Postgen, followed by the name of the city in which the central Administration is located. For communications addressed to offices other than the Central Administration in the country of destination, the telegraphic ad- dress shall be Potsbur, followed by the name of the city to which the telegram is addressed. TITLE IX BUREAU INTERNATIONAL. INTERNATIONAL BUREAU Functions of Inter- national Bureau. Attendanm of direc- tor. CHAPITRE UNIQUE. ARTICLE 183. Congres et Conferences. Le Bureau international prepare les travaux des CongrOs et des Conf6rences. I1 pourvoit aux im- pressions et & la distribution des documents n6cessaires. Le Directeur de ce Bureau assiste aux s6ances des Congrs et des Confrences et prend part aux discussions, sans voix dlibrative. SOLE CHAPTER ARTICLE 183 Congresses and Conferences The International Bureau pre- pares the agenda for Congresses and Conferences. It provides for the printing, and distribution of the necessary documents. The director of that Bureau attends the sessions of Congresses and Conferences and takes part in the discussions, without the power of voting. Period for retention of docments. Telegraphicaddress. 2176