Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/104

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55 STAT.] 77TH CONG., 1ST SESS.-CH. 32 -APR. 1, 1941 For contingent expenses, Department of the Interior, $21.65. For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Biological Survey, $2.56. For range improvements within grazing districts (receipt limita- tion), $16.69. For National Park Service, $526.89. For operating rescue cars and stations and investigation of acci- dents, Bureau of Mines, $7.06. For expenses, mining experiment stations, Bureau of Mines, $1.01. For National Industrial Recovery, Interior, investigations, $5.27. For National Industrial Recovery, Interior, National Park Service, recreational demonstration projects, $422.45. For pay of Indian police, $205. For maintaining law and order on Indian reservations, $60. For construction, and so forth, irrigation systems, Indian reserva- tions (reimbursable), $4. For support of Indians and administration of Indian property, $649.16. For conservation of health among Indians, $435.56. For Indian agency buildings, $1.60. For Indian boarding schools, $75.22. For agriculture and stock raising among Indians, $19.96. For Civilian Conservation Corps (transfer to Interior, Indians), $69.62. For Indian school support, $84.62. For expenses of organizing Indian corporations, $71.11. For loans and relief in stricken agricultural areas (transfer from Agriculture to Interior, Indians), $14.62. For Indian Service supply fund, $459.32. For emergency conservation work (transfer to Interior, Indians, 49stat.160 . Act June 22, 1936), $68. sat. For emergency conservation work (transfer to Interior, Indians, Act February 9, 1937), $339.40. Department of Justice: For salaries, fees, and expenses of mar- shals, United States courts, $239.17 . For fees and expenses of conciliation commissioners, United States courts, $25. For miscellaneous expenses, United States courts, $304.75. For United States Penitentiary, Atlanta, Georgia, maintenance, $9.91. For United States Northeastern Penitentiary, maintenance, $109.50. For support of United States prisoners, $1,117.60. For detection and prosecution of crimes, $1.75. For fees of jurors and witnesses, United States, $52.90. For contingent expenses, Department of Justice, $229.01. For probation system, United States courts, $72.22. For salaries and expenses of marshals, and so forth, Department of Justice, $236.54. For salaries and expenses, Federal Bureau of Investigation, $44.60. For printing and binding, Department of Justice and courts, $48.97. Department of Labor: For salaries and expenses, Children's Bureau, $3.50. For foreign-service pay adjustment, appreciation of foreign cur- rencies (Labor), $88.66. For traveling expenses, Department of Labor, $3.80 . Navy Department: For ordnance and ordnance stores, Bureau of Ordnance, $453,425.54. For general expenses, Marine Corps, $234.41. For pay, Marine Corps, $239.67. For engineering, Bureau of Engineering, $222,045.34. For miscellaneous expenses, Navy, $16.70. 79