Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/157

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132 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 43 -APR . 7 , 1941 [55STAT. State the name of a person as having authority to receive, control, or dispose of such property; and (3) the authority of such person to act with respect to such property is accepted and recognized by the Secretary of State, and so certified by the Secretary of State to the Federal Reserve bank, the payment, transfer, delivery, or other disposal of such property by such Federal Reserve bank to or upon the order of such person shall be conclusively presumed to be lawful and shall constitute a complete discharge and release of any liability of the Federal Reserve bank for or with respect to such property. er'ty offoreign state in "Whenever (1) any insured bank has received any property from nsured banks. or for the account of a foreign state which is recognized by the Government of the United States, or from or for the account of a central bank of any such foreign state, and holds such property in the name of such foreign state or such central bank; (2) a repre- sentative of such foreign state who is recognized by the Secretary of State as being the accredited representative of such foreign state to the Government of the United States has certified to the Secre- tary of State the name of a person as having authority to receive, control, or dispose of such property; and (3) the authority of such person to act with respect to such property is accepted and recog- nized by the Secretary of State, and so certified by the Secretary of State to such insured bank, the payment, transfer, delivery, or other disposal of such property by such bank to or upon the order of such person shall be conclusively presumed to be lawful and shall consti- tute a complete discharge and release of any liability of such bank Jurisdiction over le- for or with respect to such property. Any suit or other legal pro- ceedin against any insured bank or any officer, director, or employee thereo, arising out of the receipt, possession, or disposition of any such property shall be deemed to arise under the laws of the United States and the district courts of the United States shall have exclusive jurisdiction thereof, regardless of the amount involved; and any such ank or any officer, director, or employee thereof which is a defendant in any such suit may, at any time before trial thereof, remove such suit from a State court into the district court of the United States for the proper district by following the procedure for the removal of causes otherwise provided by law. Designated Acts, "Nothing in this section shall be deemed to repeal or to modify etc., not affected. 3i u,. s . C j 440- in any manner any of the provisions of the Gold Reserve Act of 416; 18-448e. 1934 (ch. 6, 48 Stat. 337), as amended, the Silver Purchase Act of 1934 (ch. 674, 48 Stat. 1178), as amended, or subdivision (b) of 40Stat 415. section 5 of the Act of October 6, 1917 (40 Stat. 411), as amended, or any actions, regulations, rules, orders, or proclamations taken, areq liunses promulgated, made, or issued pursuant to any of such statutes. In any case in which a license to act with respect to any property referred to in this section is required under any of said statutes, regulations, rules, orders, or proclamations, notification to the Secre- tary of State by the proper Government officer or agency of the issuance of an appropriate license or that appropriate licenses will be issued on application shall be a prerequisite to any action by the Secretary of State pursuant to this section, and the action of the Secretary of State shall relate only to such property as is included in such notification. Each such notification shall include the terms and conditions of such license or licenses and a description of the property to which they relate. Tsdperty.ned "For the purposes of this section, (1) the term 'property' includes gold, silver, currency, credits, deposits, securities, choses in action, and any other form of property, the proceeds thereof, and any right, "Foreign state." title: or interest therein; (2) the term 'foreign state' includes any foreign government or any department, district, province, county,