Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/289

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Provisos. Limitation. No back pay, etc. June 25, 1941 [H. R . 3846]1 [Public Law 133] Department of the Interior. Credit in accounts of certain disbursing officers. Proviso. Release from liabil- ity. PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 252, 254 , 255-JUNE 25, 26 , 1941 [55 STAT. centum for each year of active duty and a fractional year of six months or more shall be considered a full year in computing the number of years: Provided further, That the increased retired pay of such retired officers shall in no case exceed 75 per centum of the active-duty pay as authorized by existing law: Provided further, That no back pay or allowances shall accrue by reason of the passage of this Act." Approved, June 25, 1941. [CHAPTER 254] AN ACT For the relief of certain former certifying and disbursing officers of the Department of the Interior. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Comp- troller General of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to allow credit in the accounts of disbursing officers for payments made in good faith on behalf of the Federal Subsistence Homesteads Corporation, or any of its subsidiaries, notwithstanding the failure to comply with the requirements of existing law or regulations: Provided, That the Comptroller General shall find that such payments appear to be free from fraud or collusion on the part of the disbursing officer making the payment. SEC. 2. No charge shall be raised against the certifying officer for the amount of any payment for which credit shall be allowed under the preceding section where the Comptroller General finds that the payment appears to have been made without fraud or collusion on the part of the certifying officer. Approved, June 25, 1941. [CHAPTER 255] June 26, 1941 [S. J. Res. 651 [Public Law 134] Travel of veul of Canadian registry In certain U. S. waters. Provisos. Lifeboat regulations. 46 U. S.C. 481. Proportion of life- boats and rafts. JOINT RESOLUTION To permit travel by a ship of Canadian registry between American ports. Resolved by the Senate and HIrlse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That notwithstanding the provisions of any of the coastwise laws of the United States, one passenger ship of Canadian registry shall be permitted to travel between Cleveland, Ohio, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for the pur- pose of transporting members of the American Legion and their guests to and from that organization's twenty-third annual national convention to be held at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 15-18, 1941, inclusive; and such passenger ship shall be further permitted to remain at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, during the period of such national convention of the American Legion: Provided. That not- withstanding any provision of section 4488, Revised Statutes, or regulations issued thereunder, any passenger vessels, American or Canadian, which transport members of the American Legion and their guests to and from that organization's twenty-third annual national convention, to be held at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 15-18, 1941, inclusive, shall not be required to carry accommoda- tion for more than 50 per centun of persons on board in lifeboats and pontoon life rafts: Provided further, That not less than two- fifths of such accommodation shall be in lifeboats and three-fifths may be in collapsible boats or rafts, under regulations of the Board of Supervising Inspectors, approved by the Secretary of Commerce, applicable to such vessels during the interval May 15 to September 15, inclusive. Approved, June 26, 1941.