Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/554

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55 STAT.] 77TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 271-JULY 1, 1941 529 The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are authorized and Parktg spacs for directed to designate, reserve, and properly mark appropriate and m fone sufficient parking spaces on the streets adjacent to all public buildings in such District for the use of Members of Congress engaged on public business. For the purchase of motor-vehicle identification number plates, $22,000. POLICE TRAFFIC CONTROL For expenses necessarily involved in the police control, regulation, P ',p -780. and administration of traffic upon the highways, $546,971, which amount shall be transferred to the appropriation contained in this At, p. 51 4 Act for pay and allowances of officers and members of the Metro- politan Police force. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT For personal services, $257,740. STREET IMPROVEMENTS Post, 823. For paving, repaving, grading, and otherwise improving streets, avenues, and roads, including temporary per diem services, surveying instruments and implements, and drawing materials, printing and binding, postage, and miscellaneous expenses, and the purchase (incluing exchange), operation and maintenance of motor vehicles used in this work, including curbing and gutters and replacement of curb-line trees where necessary, and including assessment and permit work and the several purposes provided for thereunder, as follows: For paving, repaving, and surfacing, including curbing and gutters where necessary, the following: Southwest: Nichols Avenue, South Capitol Street to Chesapeake Street, $36,000; Southeast: Pennsylvania Avenue, Alabama Avenue to Fort Davis Street, $12,000; Southeast: East Capitol Street, Central Avenue to Fifty-fifth Street, $53,000; Southeast: East Capitol Street, Eighteenth Street to Nineteenth Street, $13,000; Northeast: C Street, Nineteenth Street to Twenty-first Street, $19,400; Northeast: Franklin Street, Rhode Island Avenue to Twentieth Street, $27,800; Northeast: Tenth Street, Monroe Street to Michigan Avenue, $13,000; Northeast: Fourteenth Street, Rhode Island Avenue to Kearney Street, $30,300; Northwest: North Dakota Avenue, Blair Road to Third Street, $34,200; Northwest: Luzon Avenue, Fourteenth Street to Sixteenth Street, $21,700; Northwest: Fourteenth Street, Montague Street to Fort Stevens Drive, $39,500; Northwest: Arkansas Avenue, Sixteenth Street to Decatur Street, $62,800; Northwest: Chevy Chase Parkway, Ingomar Street to McKinley Street, $30,600; Southeast: Naylor Road, R Street to Twenty-fifth Street $4,100; Southeast: Thirty-first Street, Alabama Avenue to W Place, $12,200; 278941--42-PT. I 84