Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/639

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[55 STAT. employees are in grades in which the compensation increments are ondton $200 or $250, subject to the following conditions: "(1) That no equivalent increase in compensation from any cause was received during such period, except increase made pursuant to subsection (f) of this section; "(2) That an employee whose rate of compensation is below the middle rate of the grade shall not be advanced unless his current efficiency is good or better than good; "(3) That an employee whose rate of compensation is at or above the middle rate of the grade shall not be advanced unless his current efficiency is better than good; "(4) That the service and conduct of such employee are certified by the head of the department or agency or such official as he may designate as being otherwise satisfactory. 42 Stat. 1490. "(c) The term 'good' as used herein shall be defined in accordance 5U. s. c. §669. with the systems of efficiency rating established pursuant to section 9 of this Act. Custodial servic. "(d) For the purposes of this section, the fourth salary rate in grades 2 and 3 of the custodial service shall be considered the middle rate. Serviceimmediately "(e) Employees eligible under subsection (b) for compensation advancement by reason of service immediately preceding the effec- tive date of this amendment shall be advanced to the next higher rate of compensation within the grade to which their positions are respectively allocated at the beginning of the next quarter imme- diately following the effective date of this amendment. ousservices advance: "(f) Within the limit of available appropriations, and in recogni- ments. tion of especially meritorious services, the head of any department or agency is authorized to make additional within-grade compensa- tion advancements, but any such additional advancements shall not exceed one step and no employee shall be eligible for more than one additional advancement hereunder within each of the time periods Report of actions specified in subsection (b). All actions under this subsection and the reasons therefor shall be reported to the Civil Service Commis- sion. The Commission shall present an annual consolidated report to the Congress covering the numbers and types of actions taken under this subsection. Administrative rag- "(g) The President is hereby authorized to issue such regulations as may be necessary for the administration of this section. porntmential ap "(h) The provisions of subsections (b) to (f) both inclusive, of this section shall not apply to the compensation of persons appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate." 5U.S. C. 669. SEC. 3. Section 9 of the said Act is hereby amended by adding Efficiency ratings. thereto the following paragraph: "The Civil Service Commission and heads of departments are authorized and directed to take such action as will apply the provi- sions of this section uniformly to all employees occupying positions within the compensation schedules fixed by this Act as nearly as is practicable." schede.nsatio n SEC. 4. Section 13 of the said Act is hereby further amended so 42u tat.4. as to provide the following annual rates of compensation and salary steps within grades 14 and 15 of the clerical, administrative, and fiscal service and grades 7 and 8 of the professional and scientific service: "Clerical, administrative, and fiscal service: "Grade 14: $6,500, $6,750, $7,000, $7,250, $7,500. "Grade 15: $8,000, $8,250, $8,500, 8,750, $9,00. PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 346-AUG. 1 , 1941 614