Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/79

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[55 STAT. each and every purpose incident to or necessary therefor, there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not other- wise appropriated, the following sums for the following respective purposes, namely: roc remento des - (a) For the procurement, by manufacture or otherwise, of defense tcles. articles for the government of any country whose defense the Presi- Po 746 . dent deems vital to the defense of the United States, including serv- ices and expenses in connection therewith, as follows: (1) Ordnance and ordnance stores, supplies, spare parts, and mate- rials, including armor and ammunition and components thereof, $1,343,000,000. (2) Aircraft and aeronautical material, including engines, spare parts, and accessories, $2,054,000,000. (3) Tanks, armored cars, automobiles, trucks, and other automotive vehicles, spare parts, and accessories, $362,000,000. (4) Vessels, ships, boats, and other watercraft, and equipage, sup- plies, materials, spare parts, and accessories, $629,000,000. (5) Miscellaneous military equipment, supplies, and materials, $260,000,000. (6) Facilities and equipment, for the manufacture or production of defense articles, by construction or acquisition, including the acquisition of land, and the maintenance and operation of such facili- ties and equipment, $752,000,000. (7) Agricultural, industrial, and other commodities and articles, $1,350,000,000. Testing, outfitting, (b) For testing, inspecting, proving, repairing, outfitting, recon- Postp. 746. ditioning, or otherwise placing in good working order any defense articles for the government of any country whose defense the Presi- dent deems vital to the defense of the United States, including services and expenses in connection therewith, $200,000,000. Interchangeability (c) Not to exceed 20 per centum of any of the foregoing eight appropriations may be transferred by the President to any other such appropriation, but no appropriation shall be increased by more than 30 per centum. Services and x- (d) For necessary services and expenses for carrying out the pur- Post, p. 746. poses of such Act not specified or included in the foregoing, $40,000,000. Post, p. 746. Post, P . 746. (e) For administrative expenses, $10,000,000. (f) In all, $7,000,000,000, to remain available until June 30, 1943. Transfer of funds. S. 2 . I any defense article procured from an appropriation made before March 11, 1941, is disposed of, under such Act of March 11, 1941, by any department or agency to the government of any country whose defense the President deemed vital to the defense of the United States, the President may transfer, from the appropriations made by this Act to the appropriate appropriation of such department or agency, an amount equivalent to the value (as computed for the purposes of the $1,300,000,000 limitation contained Anp. 31. in section 3 (a) (2) of such Act of March 11, 1941) of the defense article so disposed of, but not to exceed in the aggregate $1,300.000,000. aetentionefdefense SEC. 3 . Any defense article procured from an appropriation made by this Act shall be retained by or transferred to and for the use of such department or agency of the United States as the President may determine, in lieu of being disposed of to a foreign government, whenever in the judgment of the President the defense of the United States will be best served thereby. oversthro odf tin SEC. 4 . No part of any appropriation contained in this Act shall Government. be used to pay the salary or wages of any person who advocates, or who is a member of an organization that advocates, the overthrow of 54 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 30-MAR. 27, 1941