Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/905

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DeB. 31, 1941 PUBLIC LAWS--CIS. 644, 645 Jan. 2, 1942 Adjutant General of Alaska. Application of Act to existing organiza- tion. Territorial Guard. Proviso. Arms and equip- ment. January 2, 1942 [S. 1994] [Public Law 393] Damages by Ameri- can forces abroad. Settlement of cer- tain claims. 6 F. R. 2617. Claims Commis- sions. Provisos. Time limitation. Settlements to be final. Funds available for payments. Act deemed supple- mentary. SEC. 5. The Adjutant General of the Territory of Alaska shall be appointed by the President with such rank and qualifications as he may prescribe. He shall be a citizen of the Territory and shall make such returns and reports to the Secretary of War and to the Governor of the Territory of Alaska or to such officers as each of them may designate, at such times and in such form as may be prescribed. SEC. 6. The terms and provisions of this Act pertaining to the Alaska National Guard are hereby made applicable to the existing units and individuals of the military forces in the Territory of Alaska, heretofore organized and known as the Alaska National Guard, and such organization is hereby ratified and confirmed. SEC. 7 . During such time as the Alaska National Guard, or any part thereof, is in active Federal service, the Governor of Alaska, through voluntary enlistments, may organize a Territorial Guard under such regulations as to discipline in training as the Secretary of War may prescribe: Provided, That the Secretary of War, in his discretion and under such regulations as he may prescribe, is authorized to issue for the use of such Territorial Guard, upon requisition of the Gover- nor of the Territory, such arms and equipment as may be in posses- sion of and can be spared by the War Department. Approved, December 31, 1941. [CHAPTER 645] AN ACT To provide for the prompt settlement of claims for damages occasioned by Army, Navy, and Marine Corps forces in foreign countries. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That during the national emergency declared by the President on May 27, 1941, to exist, and for the purpose of promoting and maintaining friendly relations by the prompt settlement of meritorious claims, the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy are hereby authorized to appoint a Claims Commission or Commissions, composed of officers of the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps, as the case may be, to consider, adjust, determine, and make payments in final settlement of bona fide claims on account of damages caused by Army, Navy, and Marine Corps forces, or individual members thereof, in a foreign country or possession thereof, including places located therein which are under the temporary or permanent jurisdiction of the United States, to the property, public or private, or the persons of inhabitants of such foreign countries, where the amount of such claim does not exceed $1,000: Provided, That no claim shall be considered by such Com- missions unless presented within one year from the date of the accrual of said claim: Provided further, That any such settlements made by such Commissions under the authority of this Act shall be final and conclusive for all purposes, notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary. SEC. 2. All payments in settlement of claims under section 1 of this Act shall be made out of the appropriation "Pay, subsistence, and transportation of naval personnel", as to Navy and Marine Corps claims, and out of such appropriation for the Military Establishment as may be determined by the Secretary of War as to Army claims. SEC. 3. This Act shall be supplementary to, and not in lieu of, all other provisions of law authorizing consideration, adjustment, deter- mination, and payment of claims by the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy, respectively. Approved, January 2, 1942. 880 [55 STAT.