Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/964

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INDEX International Union of Physics, appro- Page priation for contribution -_ ___- --- - 272 International Wheat Advisory Committee, appropriation for share of expenses-_ 438 Interparliamentary Union for Promotion of International Arbitration, Bureau of, appropriation for contribution--- 271 Interstate Commerce Commission: Anthracite coal commission, appoint- ment of officer or employee as member of ---------------- -- -- 841 Appropriation for ---------------- 112, 546 Commissioners, salary rates ---------- 123 Interstate Commission on Potomac River Basin, appropriation for D. C . con - tribution ------------------------- 507 Interstate Compacts: Oil and gas conservation, extension --- 666 Potomac River Basin, Interstate Com- mission on, appropriation for D. C . contribution____ _____------------ 507 Inventions, prevention of publication in national interest: Application for patent, etc., abroad, license requirement------ __ __ _ -- -- 657 Violations, penalty --------------- 657 Inventors Council Service Staff, National, appropriation for salaries and ex- penses ----_------------------- -- 278 Investigation, Federal Bureau of. See Federal Bureau of Investigation under Justice, Department of. Investigation and Research (Transporta- tion), Board of, appropriation for- _ 682, 819 Iona Island, N. Y ., Naval Ammunition Depot: Appropriation for ------------ _ 38, 164, 674 Construction authorized--------. - - 47, 660 Iowa: Appropriation for- Indians, support, etc ----------- 324, 326 Orchard rehabilitation loans -------- 824 Flood-protection works authorized___ 646, 647 Guttenberg, bridge authorized across Mississippi River at ------ ___-- Iran, appropriation for minister to_- --- -- Ireland: Appropriation for minister to -------- Barry, John (Commodore), presenta- tion of statue of ---------- ___ -__ Appropriation authorized---- .- _-- Irrigation Agriculture, appropriation for investigations ------------------- __ Irrigation Projects, Federal, appropriation for construction of fish screens-__ _ -- Isle Royale National Park, Mich., appro- priation for--_ -- -___ ___- -_- __- -__ _ Isleta Pueblo, N. Mex., appropriation for payment of judgment in suit of Luis M. Sanchez, and others------------ 590 267 267 250 250 420 353 347 312 Italy: Appropriation for ambassador to-- ___ War, declaration of state of, with______ Ithaca, N. Y., flood-control project author- ized------------------------ Page 267 797 640 J Jacksonville, Fla.: Naval Air Station- Appropriation for ------- _ 37, 38, 166, 676 Construction authorized-_4 7, 48, 50, 51, 661 Conveyance to Florida of certain land within----------------------- 33 Naval Hospital- Appropriation for ------- _ ------- 39, 675 Construction authorized -- _------- 52, 661 Jails, appropriation for maintenance, etc- -------------------- _- 296, 555, 833 Jamaica, Naval Air Station, construction authorized------------------ _- -- _ 51 Japan: Appropriation for ambassador to-- _- -_ 267 Hawaii, attack on, prosecution of in- quiries by investigating commis- sion--- _-------------------- -- 853 War, declaration of state of, with------ 795 Japanese Beetle Control, appropriation for------------------. --- -- -- __- 427 Jefferson. See Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, St. Louis, Mo., restriction on use of certain funds for --------- _-------- 350 Jewelry, excise tax on ----------------- 718 Jicarilla Hospital and Sanatorium, N. Mex., appropriation for ----------- 324 Johnson, William T. (Maj.), credit in ac- counts of ---------- _ ------ ------ 137 Johnston Island, Naval Air Station: Appropriation for ---------------- 166, 676 Construction authorized ----- _------ 48, 661 Joint Service Pay Act, Amendment, re- tired personnel, active-duty pay; retired pay ------------------ ___ 263 Jones Academy, Okla., appropriation for education of Indians --------------- 322 Judges. See under United States Courts. Judgments, appropriation for payment of----------.----------------- 75, 566 Judicial Branch of the Government. See United States Courts. Judicial Districts. See also Judges under United States Courts. District of Columbia, residence of U. S . district attorney, clerk, etc------- 251 Massachusetts, repeal of prohibition against filling vacancy ---------- 773 New York Southern, residence of U. S . district attorney, clerk, etc------ 251 Residence of U. S. district attorneys, clerks, etc--------. --. ---- ------ 251 I