Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/119

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PRIVATE LAWS-CHS. 607-609-DEC. 20, 1941 Walter M. Anderson of Reedsport, Oregon, the sum of $5,000, in full settlement of all claims against the United States Government on account of permanent injuries sustained by the said Walter M. Anderson when an automobile occupied by him was struck by a Civilian Conservation Corps truck on the 4th day of August 1936, at a point on the Umpqua River bridge on the Coast Highway near Reedsport, Oregon: Provided, That no part of the amount appro- priated in this Act in excess of 10 per centum thereof shall be paid or delivered to or received by any agent or attorney on account of services rendered in connection with this claim, and the same shall be unlawful, any contract to the contrary notwithstanding. Any person violating the provisions of this Act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $1,000. Approved, December 20, 1941. [CHAPTER 608] December 20, 1941 [S. 1479] IPrivate Law 245] Mary 8. Gay, nee Mary M. Sauser. Recovery of certain overpayments waived. 39 Stat. 749. 5U. .C. 788. AN ACT For the relief of Mary S. Gay. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the provisions of section 38 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide compensation for employees of the United States suffering injuries while in the per- formance of their duties, and for other purposes", approved September 7, 1916, are hereby waived in connection with overpayments aggre- gating $1,200.01, made to Mary S. Gay, nee Mary M. Sauser, as disa- bility compensation under the said Act by reason of an erroneous report made by the United States Veterans' Administration, without her knowledge, in respect to the pay received by her at the time of injury. Approved, December 20, 1941. [CHAPTER 609] AN ACT For the relief of Carl Chalker. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the (Carl halker. United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary rayme'nt to. of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Carl Chalker, of Dothan, Alabama, the sum of $2,500, in full settlement of all claims against the United States for damages sustained by him when he, without fault on his part, was struck and permanently injured on May 12, 1940, in Dothan, Alabama, by a truck owned and operated by the United States Post Office Department then and there being carelessly and recklessly driven by an employee of the Post vroriw. Office Department in the said city of Dothan. Alabama: Provided, That no part of the amount appropriated in this Act in excess of 10 per centum thereof shall be paid or delivered to or received by any agent or attorney on account of services rendered in connection with this claim, and the same shall be unlawful, any contract to the con- trary notwithstanding. Any person violating the provisions of this Act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $1,000. Approved, December 20, 1941. Provio. )eernlber 20, 1941 IS. IM0] IPrivate inaw '24tl 988 [55 STAT.