Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/134

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TREATIES Agreement between the United States of America, Canada, Cuba, Do- December 13,1937 minican Republic, Haiti,and Mexico respecting regional broadcasting. T. 8. 962] Signed at HabanaDecember 13, 1937; ratificationadvised by the Senate of the United States June 15, 1938; ratified by the President of the United States June 30, 1938; ratification of the United States of America deposited with the Government of Cuba July 21, 1938; proclaimed by the President of the United States January 23, 1941. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, a North American Regional Broadcasting Agreement between the United States of America, Canada, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Mexico, was signed by their respective plenipo- tentiaries at Habana on December 13, 1937, a true copy of which agreement as certified by the Undersecretary of State of Cuba, in the English, Spanish and French languages is in words and figures as follows: NORTH AMERICAN REGIONAL BROADCASTING AGREEMENT Pod, p.139 concluded among the following Governments: Canada Cuba Dominican Republic Haiti Mexico United States of America The undersigned, plenipotentiaries of the Governments listed above, having met in conference at Habana, Cuba, have, in common agree- ment and subject to ratification, concluded the following Agreement. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THIS AGREEMENT 1. Purpose of Agreement. The purpose of this Agreement is to regulate and establish principles covering the use of the standard broadcast band in the North American Region so that each country may make the most effective use thereof with the minimum technical interference between broadcast stations. 2. North American Region. The North American Region (here- inafter referred to as "Region") for the purpose of this Agreement shall 1005