Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/234

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55 STAT.] DOMINICAN REPUBLIC-CUSTOMS REVENUES-SEPT. 24 , 1940 Republic are both desirous of modifying the said Convention to the advantage of both parties and at the same time of safeguarding the rights of the holders of the bonds of the issues of 1922 and 1926; The President of the United States of America, represented by Cordell Hull, Secretary of State of the United States of America, and The President of the Dominican Republic, represented by General- issimo Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina, Benefactor of the Coun- try, Ambassador Extraordinary on Special Mission, Who, having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles: ARTICLE I ca Dominicana desean modificar dicha Convenci6n a beneficio de ambas partes y al mismo tiempo proteger los derechos de los tene- dores de bonos de los emprestitos de 1922 y 1926; El Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America representado por Cordell Hull, Secretario de Estado de los Estados Unidos de America y El Presidente de la Republica Dominicana representado por el Generalisimo Rafael Leonidas Tru- jillo Molina, Benefactor de la Patria, Embajador Extraordinario en Misi6n Especial, Quienes, habi6ndose comuni- cado mutuamente sus respectivos plenos poderes, los cuales fueron hallados en correcta y debida forma, han convenido en los si- guientes articulos: ARTfcuLO I The Government of the Do- minican Republic shall collect through its appropriate national officials the customs revenues of the Dominican Republic and all revenues pertaining to the customs duties. The General Receivership of the Dominican Customs pro- vided for in the Convention of December 27, 1924, shall cease to operate on the day on which the Dominican Government under- takes the collection of customs revenues. All property and funds of the General Receivership shall be turned over on that day to the Government of the Dominican Republic. No claim shall be advanced by either Government against the other on account of any act of the General Receivership. El Gobierno de la Repdblica Dominicana recaudara, por me- diaci6n de sus correspondientes funcionarios nacionales, las rentas aduaneras de la Republica Domi- nicana y todas las rentas corres- pondientes a los derechos de Aduanas. La Receptoria General de las Aduanas Dominicanas, esti- pulada en la Convenci6n del 27 de diciembre de 1924, dejarf de funcionar en la fecha en que el Gobierno Dominicano se haga cargo de la recaudaci6n de las rentas aduaneras. Todas las propiedades y fondos de la Receptoria General serin entregadas en la misma fecha al Gobierno de la Repdblica Do- minicana. Ninguna reclamaci6n ser/ hecha por un Gobierno contra el otro en raz6n de cualquier acto de la Receptoria General. Collection of Do- minican customs rev- enues, etc. Termination of Gen- eral Receivership. Disposition of prop- erty and funds. Claims barred. 1105