Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/237

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[55 STAT. puted and effected in accordance with the loan contracts as modi- fied by the agreement between the Dominican Republic and the For- eign Bondholders Protective Coun- cil, Incorporated, concluded on August 16, 1934, and by the pro- visions of Article V of the present Convention; (3) the payment of one-twelfth of the annual cost of the services rendered by the representative of the holders of the bonds of the external debt of 1922 and 1926, or his deputy, who shall receive salaries which are the subject of an exchange of notes attached hereto, which shall be given full force and effect as integral parts of this Convention, and a reason- able amount for expenses incurred in the performance of their duties, and the payment of one-twelfth of the annual amount agreed upon between the Dominican Govern- ment and the Depository Bank as the compensation for the services of the said Bank. No disbursements of funds of the Dominican Government shall be made by the Depository Bank until the payments provided for in this Article shall have been made. The sums received by the above- mentioned representative for the service of the bonds shall be im- mediately transmitted by him to the Fiscal Agent or Agents of the loans. ARTICLE IV The Government of the Domini- can Republic declares that the interest and amortization service of the bonds of the external debt of 1922 and 1926 as well as the amortizaci6n se calculara y efec- tuara de acuerdo con los Contra- tos de emprestitos modificados por el Convenio entre la Repfblica Dominicana y el Consejo Pro- tector de Tenedores de Bonos Ex- tranjeros Inc. celebrado en fecha 16 de agosto de 1934, y por las estipulaciones del articulo V del presente Acuerdo; Tercero:- Al pago de una duo- decima parte del costo anual de los servicios prestados por el repre- sentante de los tenedores de bonos de la deuda externa de 1922 y 1926, o su sustituto, quienes recibiran sueldos que se establecen mediante un cambio de notas, que se anexan a este documento, y a las cuales se les dara entera fuerza y efecto como parte integrante de este Acuerdo, y una suma razo- nable para gastos que ocasione el desempefio de sus deberes; y al pago de una duodecima parte de la suma anual convenida entre el Gobierno Dominicano y el Banco depositario como compensaci6n de los servicios de dicho Banco. Ningdn desembolso de fondos de la Repdblica Dominicana sera hecho por el Banco depositario hasta que los pagos previstos en este artfculo hayan sido hechos. Las sumas recibidas por el antedicho representante, para el servicio de los bonos, seran trans- mitidas inmediatamente por 61 al Agente o Agentes Fiscales de los emprestitos. ARTfCULO IV El Gobierno de la Repiblica Dominicana declara que el ser- vicio de intereses y amortizaci6n de los bonos de la deuda externa de 1922 y 1926, asi como los pagos First Hen on rev- enues. 1108 TREATIES