Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/239

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1110 System of deposit of revenues. ARTICLE VII The system of deposit of all revenues of the Dominican Re- public shall be carried out in accordance with the Dominican laws of accounting and of the Treasury now governing such matters, and these laws as well as the powers conferred by this Convention upon the represent- ative of the holders of the bonds of the loans of 1922 and 1926, shall not be modified by the Dominican Government during the life of this Convention with- out the previous consent of both Governments. ARTICLE VIII ARTfCULO VIII Any controversy which may arise between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Dominican Republic in relation to the execu- tion of the provisions of the present Convention shall, if possible, be settled through diplomatic chan- nels. Upon notification by either the Government of the United States of America or the Govern- ment of the Dominican Republic that, in its opinion, possibilities of settlement by this means have been exhausted, such controversies shall be settled in accordance with the procedure stipulated in the Inter-American Arbitration Con- vention signed at Washington, January 5,1929, [2] notwithstanding the provisions of Article 2 (a) thereof. ARTICLE IX The Convention signed by the United States of America and the Dominican Republic on December 2 [Treaty Series 886; 49 Stat. 3153.1 Cualesquiera controversias que puedan surgir entre el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Am6rica y el Gobierno de la Republica Domi- nicana en relaci6n con la ejecuci6n de las disposiciones del presente Acuerdo seran, si es posible, arre- gladas por la via diplomatica. Si el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America o el Gobierno de la Repdblica Dominicana notificare que, en su opini6n, las posibilida- des de arreglo por esta via ban sido agotadas, estas controversias serAn solucionadas de acuerdo con el procedimiento estipulado en la Convenci6n Interamericana de Ar- bitraje firmada en Washington el 5 de enero de 1929, no obstante las disposiciones del articulo 2o. (a) de dicha Convenci6n. ARTfCULO IX La Convenci6n firmada por los Estados Unidos de Am6rica y la Repdblica Dominicana el 27 de ARTfCULO VII El sistema de dep6sitos de todas las rentas de la Republica Dominicana sera efectuado de acuerdo con las leyes dominicanas de Contabilidad y de Hacienda que ahora rigen esa materia, y estas leyes asi como las atribu- ciones conferidas por este Acuerdo al representante de los tenedores de bonos de los empr6stitos de 1922 y 1926, no serin modificadas ni su fuerza disminuida por el Gobierno Dominicano durante la vigencia de este Acuerdo, sin el consentimiento previo de ambos Gobiernos. Settlement of con- troversies. Termination of prior convention. Entry into force of present convention. TREATIES [55 STAT.