Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/263

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[55 STAT. potentiary of the United States of America to Mexico; and The President of the United Mexican States: General Eduardo Hay, Secre- tary of State and of Foreign Affairs. Who, after having exhibited to each other their respective full powers, which were found to be in due and proper form, have agreed to and concluded the fol- lowing articles: ARTICLE I The High Contracting Parties agree that the following crime is added to the list of crimes num- bered 1 to 21 in the second Article of the Treaty of Extradition con- cluded between the United States and Mexico on the 22d of Febru- ary, 1899, and to the crime desig- nated in the Supplementary Ex- tradition Convention concluded between the two countries on the 25th of June, 1902, and to the crimes designated in the Supple- mentary Extradition Convention concluded between the two coun- tries on the 23d of December, 1925; that is to say: 26. Extradition shall also take place for participation in any of the crimes before referred to as an accessory before or after the fact; provided such participation be punishable by the laws of both the High Contracting Parties. ARTICLE II The present Convention shall be considered as an integral part of the said Extradition Treaty of the 22d of February, 1899, and it is agreed that the paragraph or crime added by the present Con- vention shall be applied when potenciario de los Estados Unidos de America en Mexico; y El Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos: Al sefior General Eduardo Hay, Secretario de Estado y del Des- pacho de Relaciones Exteriores. Quienes, despu6s de haber ex- hibido sus plenos poderes res- pectivos, hallados en buena y debida forma, han convenido en lo siguiente: ARTICULO I Las Altas Partes Contratantes convienen en que quede agregado el delito que a continuaci6n se expresa, a la lista de delitos nume. rados del 1 al 21, en el segundo Articulo del Tratado de Extradi- ci6n, celebrado entre los Estados Unidos y Mexico el 22 de febrero de 1899, asi como al delito desig- nado en la Convenci6n Suplemen- taria de Extradici6n celebrada entre los dos paises el 25 de junio de 1902, y a los delitos designados en la Convenci6n Suplementaria de Extradici6n celebrada entre los dos paises el 23 de diciembre de 1925; es decir: 26. Se concedera tambien la ex- tradici6n por participaci6n en cualquiera de los delitos antes referidos, ya sea como c6mplice o como encubridor; siempre que tal participaci6n sea castigada por las leyes de ambas Altas Partes Contratantes. ARTICULO II La presente Convenci6n sera considerada como parte integrante del referido Tratado de Extradi- ci6n del 22 de febrero de 1899, y queda convenido que el pArrafo o delito que se agrega en virtud de la presente Convenci6n serA apli- Addition to list of extraditable crimes. Participation as ao- cessory. Considered part of treaty of Feb. 22. 1899. 1134 TREATIES