Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/316

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TREATIES Depodt of protool. ARTICULO III El presente Protocolo, cuyo ori- ginal esth firmado en los idiomas espafiol, frances, ingles y portu- gu6s, todos cuyos textos tendran la misma autenticidad, sera depo- sitado en la Uni6n Panamericana en Washington, la cual transmi- tira copias certificadas del mismo a todos los paises signatarios del Convenio Interamericano del Cafe. EN FE DE LO CUAL, los infrascri- tos, debidamente autorizados por sus respectivos Gobiernos, firman y sellan el presente Protocolo. Hecho en la ciudad de Washing- Done at the City of Washington, ton, a los 15 dias del mes de abril this fifteenth day of April, 1941. de 1941. ARTICLE III The present Protocol, signed in one original in the English, Span- ish, Portuguese and French lan- guages, all of which texts are equally authentic, shall be depos- ited with the Pan American Union at Washington, which shall trans- mit certified copies thereof to all the signatories of the Inter-Ameri- can Coffee Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the under- signed, duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed the present Protocol and have affixed their respective seals hereto. [55 STAT. 1188