Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/335

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55 STAT.] INTER-AMERICAN-FOREIGN COMPANIES-JUNE 23, 1939 mas modificagoes aos principios enunciados nesta declaragao, po- derao inserir antes de sua assigna- tura a formula que desejarem subscrever. EM Fo DO QUE, os Representan- tes abaixo-assignados, em nome dos seus respectivos Governos, firmam o presente Protocollo e nelle app6em os seus sellos nas datas indicadas junto as suas assignaturas. principe enonce dans la presente declaration pourront inserer, de- vant leur signature, la formule qu'ils d6sirent souscrire. EN FOI DE QUOI les soussignes plenipotentiaires ont sign6 le pr- sent protocole au nom de leurs Gouvernements respectifs, et y ont appose leurs sceaux aux dates apparaissant en regard de leurs signatures. The foregoing document has been deposited on this date with the Pan Ameri- can Union and opened to the signature of the States, Members of the Pan American Union, in accordance with the Resolution of January 8, 1936, of the Governing Board of the Pan American Union. WASHINGTON, D. C., the twenty-fifth day of June 1936. (S.) L. S . RowE, Director General of the Pan American Union. 1207