Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/351

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55 STAT.] BRAZIL-MILITARY, ETC., M ISSION-JAN . 17, 1941 Agreement between the United States of America and Brazil respecting a military and military aviation mission. Signed January 17, 1941; effective January 17, 1941. January 17, 1941 [E. A. 8. 2021 CONTRATO ENTRE OS GOVERNOS DOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DA AMERICA E DO BRASIL Consoante solicitagao do Embai- xador dos Estados Unidos do Bra- sil em Washington, D. C., o Presidente dos Estados Unidos da America autorizou a designacao de uma Missao Militar e de Aero- nautica para o Brasil, sob as condigCes constantes do presente contrato, assinado no Rio de Ja- neiro pelos representantes dos dois Governos interessados. TfTULO I FINALIDADE E DURA;AO Artigo 1-A Missao Militar e de Aeronautica Americana ter por iinalidade cooperar tecnicamente , om o Ministerio da Guerra Bra- sileiro no aumento e aperfeicoa- llento da eficiencia do Ex6rcito do BIrasil em Artilharia de Costa e Aeronautica, e nos diversos assun- tos cor ambas correlacionados. Artigo 2-A Missao devera con- tinuar por quatro anos, a contar da data da assinatura do presente con- trato, a menos que o mesmo seja prorrogado ou seja terminado mais cede, de acordo cor o estipulado em suas clAusulas. Artigo -- 0 Governo dos Esta- dos Unidos da Am6rica podera substituir qualquer membro da Missao que haja exercido suas AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF BRASIL In conformity with the request of the Ambassador of the United States of Brazil in Washington, D. C., the President of the United States of America has authorized the appointment of a Military and Military Aviation Mission to Bra- zil under the conditions of the following Agreement signed in Rio de Janeiro by the representatives of the two interested Govern- ments. TITLE I PURPOSE AND DURATION Article 1-The purpose of the United States Military and Mili- tary Aviation Mission is to coop- erate in technical matters with the Brazilian Ministry of War with the object of increasing and perfecting the efficiency of the Brazilian Army in Coast Artillery and Aviation, and in the various subjects correlated with both. Article 2-The Mission shall continue for four years from the date of signing of this Agreement, unless extended, or terminated sooner, as herein provided. Article 3-The Government of the United States of America may replace any member of the Mission who has exercised his functions in Relamcement of member. 1225