Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/374

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [55 STAT. lease for such period of time as this Agreement may be in force such areas of land and water as may be necessary for the construction, operation and protection of the defense facilities specified in Arti- cles II and III. In locating the aforesaid defense areas, the fullest consideration consistent with mili- tary necessity shall be given to the welfare, health and economic needs of the native population of Green- land. It is agreed, however, that since the paramount objective sought is the early attainment of an adequate defense establish- ment in Greenland, the utilization of any area deemed by the Gov- ernment of the United States of America to be needed for this pur- pose shall not be delayed pending the reaching of an agreement upon the precise terms of a formal lease. A description of such areas, by metes and bounds, and a state- ment of the purpose for which they are needed shall in each case be communicated to the Danish authorities in Greenland as soon as practicable, and the negotiation of a formal lease shall be undertaken within a reasonable period of time thereafter. ARTICLE VI vaerende Overenskomst maatte vcere i Kraft, skal have Ret til at leje saadanne Land- og S0-Om- raader, som maatte vsere n0d- vendige for Anleg, Drift og Be- skyttelse af de i Artiklerne II og III opregnede Forsvarsanlaeg. Ved Valget af de ovennsevnte Forsvarsomraaders Beliggenhed skal der tages det videst mulige Hensyn, forenelig med militser N0dvendighed, til Gr0nlands ind- f0dte Befolknings Velfmrd, Sund- hed og 0konomiske Erhvervsinter- esser. Man er imidlertid blevet enige om, at eftersom det til- strsebte Hovedformaal er den snar- lige Tilvejebringelse af fyldest- g0rende Forsvarsanleg i Gr0n- land, skal Benyttelsen af et hvil- ketsomhelst Omraade, som de Amerikanske Forenede Staters Re- gering maatte anse for n0dvendigt til dette Formaal, ikke udsettes, indtil man er blevet enige om Lejemaalets n0jagtige Betingelser. En Beskrivelse af de paageldende Omraaders n0jagtige Afgrmnsning og en Erklsring om det Formaal, for hvilket de er n0dvendige, skal, saa snart som g0rligt, i hvert en- kelt Tilfmlde meddeles de danske Myndigheder i Gr0nland, og For- handlinger om et formelt Lejemaal skal finde Sted inden rimelig Tid derefter. ARTIKEL VI The Kingdom of Denmark re- tains sovereignty over the defense areas mentioned in the preceding articles. So long as this Agree- ment shall remain in force, the Government of the United States of America shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any such defense area in Greenland and over mili- tary and civilian personnel of the United States, and their families, Kongeriget Danmark bevarer Suverieniteten over de i de fore- gaaende Artikler nmvnte Forsvars- omraader. Saalsenge denne Over.. enskomst forbliver i Kraft, skal de Amerikanske Forenede Staters Regering have udelukkende Juris- diktion over et hvilketsomhelst saadant Forsvarsomraade i Gr0n- land og over de Amerikanske Forenede Staters militere og civile Sovereignty re- tand by Kingom o Denmark. Jurisdiction of United States. 1248