Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/381

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55 STAT.] PERU-DETAIL OF MILITARY ADVISER-APR . 15 ,1941 ARTICLE 3-This Agreement shall come into force on the date of signature and shall continue in force for a period of three years, unless previously terminated as hereinafter stipulated. ARTICLE 4-If the Government of Peru should desire that the services of the officer be extended beyond the period stipulated in Article 3, it shall make a written proposal to that effect six months before the expiration of this Agree- ment. ARTICLE 5-This Agreement may be terminated before the ex- piration of the period of three years prescribed in Article 3, or before the expiration of the ex- tension authorized in Article 4, in the following manner: (a) By either of the Govern- ments, subject to three months' written notice to the other Gov- ernment; (b) By the recall of the offi- cer by the Government of the United States of America in the public interest of the United States of America, without neces- sity of compliance with provi- sion (a) of this Article. ARTICLE 6-This Agreement is subject to cancelation upon the initiative of either the Govern- ment of the United States of America or the Government of Peru in case either Government becomes involved in domestic or foreign hostilities. ARTICLE 7-Should the officer become unable to perform his duties by reason of continued physical disability, he shall be re- placed. ARTfCULO 3-Este Acuerdo en- trara en vigor en la fecha de su firma y continuara en vigor por un periodo de tres afios, siempre que no sea terminado antes en la forma que se establece mas ade- lante. ARTfCULO 4-Si el Gobierno del Perd deseara que los servicios del oficial fueran extendidos mas alla del periodo estipulado en el Arti- culo 3, harA una propuesta por escrito con este objeto seis meses antes de la expiraci6n de este Acuerdo. ARTfCuLo 5-Este Acuerdo puede ser terminado antes de la expiraci6n del perfodo de tres afios, prescrito en el Artfculo 3, o antes de la expiraci6n de la ex- tensi6n autorizada en el Articulo 4, de la manera siguiente: (a) Por cualquiera de los dos Gobiernos, mediante aviso an- ticipado de tres meses, por es- crito, al otro Gobierno; (b) Al retirar el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America al oficial en raz6n de interes publico de los Estados Unidos de America, sin tener que cum- plir con la disposici6n del inciso (a) de este Articulo. ARTfCULO 6-Este Acuerdo esta sujeto a cancelaci6n por inicia- tiva, ya sea del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America o del Gobierno del Peru, en caso de que cualquiera de los dos Gobiernos se vea envuelto en hostilidades in- ternas o extranjeras. ARTfCULO 7-El oficial sera re- emplazado si quedara inhabilitado para desempefiar sus servicios por raz6n de incapacidad fisica pro- longada. Effective date of agreement; duration. Extension. Termination. Cancelation in case of hostilities. Replacement in case of disability. 1255