Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/389

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ECUADOR-NAVAL MISSION-APR. 30,1941 Additional article to the agreement of December 12, 1940 between the United States of America and Ecuador respecting a naval mission. Signed April 30, 1941. April 30, 1941 [E.A.S.206] ADDITIONAL ARTICLE TO THE AGREEMENT OF DECEMBER 12, 1940 PROVIDING FOR THE DE- TAIL OF A UNITED STATES NAVAL MISSION TO ECUADOR The Secretary of State of the United States of America and the Ambassador of the Republic of Ecuador at Washington hereby agree to the addition of the fol- lowing article to the Agreement signed by them on December 12, 1940 ['] providing for the detail of a United States Naval Mission to the Republic of Ecuador. This additional article shall be con- sidered to be an integral part of the Agreement signed on Decem- ber 12, 1940, as fully and com- pletely as if it had been included in that Agreement, and as such integral part shall be subject to the provisions in regard to dura- tion and termination concur- rently with the other Articles of the Agreement. Additional Article. Each member of the Mission and each dependent member of his family shall be provided with first-class accom- modations for travel required and performed under this Agreement by the shortest usually traveled sea route between the port of embarkation in the United States of America and his official resi- dence in Ecuador, and from his official residence in Ecuador to the port of debarkation in the United States of America. Each member 1 [Executive Agreement Series 188.1 ARTICULO ADICIONAL ALACUER- DO DEL 12 DE DICIEMBRE DE 1940, QUE DISPONE LA DESIGNA- CI6N DE UNA MISION NAVAL DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS EN EL ECUADOR El Secretario de Estado de los Estados Unidos de America y el Embajador de la Republica del Ecuador en Washington por el presente convienen en afiadir el siguiente articulo al Acuerdo, sus- crito por ellos el 12 de diciembre de 1940, que dispone la designa- ci6n de una Misi6n Naval de los Estados Unidos en la Repdblica del Ecuador. Este articulo adi- cional se considerark como parte integral del Acuerdo suscrito el 12 de diciembre de 1940, con el mismo valor y vigencia como si se hubiese incluido en ese Acuerdo, y como parte integral del mismo estara sujeto a las disposiciones respecto a su duraei6n y termina- ei6n concurrentemente con los otros Articulos del Acuerdo. Articulo Adicional. Se propor- cionarh a cada miembro de la Misi6n y a cada miembro de su familia que dependa de 61,pasajes de primera clase para el viaje que se requiera y se efectue de con- formidad con este Acuerdo por la ruta maritima mas corta general- mente empleada entre el puerto de embarque en los Estados Unidos de America y su residencia oficial en el Ecuador, y de su residencia oficial en el Ecuador al puerto de desembarque en los Estados Uni- 54 Stat. 2429. Transportation. 55 STAT.] 1263