Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/411

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May 23. 1941 1285 55 SrAT.] ARGENTINA-MILITARY AVIATION INSTRUCTORS- Ju 3,94 1285 I avail myself of the opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration. FELIPE A ESPIL His Excellency CORDELL HULL, Secretary of State, Department of State, Washington, D. C. The Secretary of State to the Argentine Ambassador DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON June 3, 1941 EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your note of May 23, 1941 in which you convey the request of your Government for a renewal of the agreement entered into on June 29, 1940 between the Governments of Argentina and the United States providing for the detail of United States Army Air Corps officers to assist the Argentine Ministry of War. I note that Your Excellency's Government desires to renew this agreement for a period of two years, the renewal to commence upon the termination of the present agreement on June 28, 1941. The renewal of this agreement for a period of two years is agreeable to this Government, notwithstanding the provision of Article 3 of the agreement now in force. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consider- ation. For the Secretary of State: SUMNER WELLES His Excellency Sefior Don FELIPE A. ESPIL, Ambassador of the Argentine Republic. 27S941 --- 42 rf. 11- 26