Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/447

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55 STAT.] CANADA-RECIPROCAL TRADE-DEC. 13, 1940 Canada on December 30, 1939 which Agreement of December 13, 1940, is in words and figures as follows: The President of the United States of America and His Majesty the King of Great Britain, Ireland and the British dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India, in respect of Canada: Considering the reciprocal concessions and advantages for the pro- motion of trade provided for in the existing trade agreement entered into between the United States of America and Canada on November 17, 1938; Taking cognizance of the emergency which exists with respect to the marketing of silver or black fox furs and skins; Desiring to promote the purposes of the existing trade agreement between the United States of America and Canada by providing measures to assist in the orderly marketing of these products; Recognizing the desirability, as a result of experience in the admin- istration of the supplementary trade agreement entered into between the two countries on December 30, 1939, of making certain changes in the quota provisions of the said supplementary agreement; Have resolved to conclude an agreement to replace the supple- mentary trade agreement entered into between the United States of America and Canada on December 30, 1939, and have for this purpose, through their respective Plenipotentiaries, agreed on the following Articles: ARTICLE I During the effectiveness of this Agreement, item 1519 (c) of Sched- ule II of the trade agreement entered into between the United States of America and Canada on November 17, 1938, shall be suspended, and in lieu thereof the following item shall be substituted: 1321 Teat. 53 Stat. 2389. United States Tariff Act of 1930 Paragraph 1519 (c) Descriptionof Article Silver or black fox furs or skins, dressed or un- dressed, not specially provided for ARTICLE II The following provisions are agreed upon with respect to the im- portation into the United States of America of silver or black foxes vahied at less than $250 each and whole silver or black fox furs and skins (with or without paws, tails, or heads): (1) The total quantity of such articles which may be entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption in any twelve-month period commencing on December 1 in the year 1941 or any subse- quent year shall be 100,000. For the period December 20, 1940, to November 30, 1941, inclusive, the total quantity of such articles which may be entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption shall be 100,000 less the number of such articles entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption during the period December 1 to December 19, 1940, as determined and made public by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. Quantitative limita- tion. Rate of Duty 3.5% ad val.