Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/449

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55 STAT.] CANADA-RECIPROCAL TRADE-DEC. 13 , 1940 the President of the United States of America shall proclaim that on and after the date fixed in such proclamation no articles imported from Canada and subject to the quota herein provided for in respect of Canada shall be permitted to be entered, or withdrawn from ware- house, for consumption unless such articles are accompanied by official certificates of the Government of Canada stating them to be of Canadian origin. ARTICLE III The total quantities of the articles hereinafter specified which may be entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption in the United States of America during any twelve-month period commencing on December 1 in the year 1941 or any subsequent year shall be: (a) Tails of silver or black foxes -------------------------- 5,000 pieces (b) Paws, heads, or other separated parts of silver or black fox furs and skins (other than tails) ----------------------- 500 Ibs. (c) Piece plates made of pieces of silver or black fox furs and skins-------------------------------------------- 550 Ibs. (d) Articles, other than piece plates, made wholly or in chief value of one or more silver or black fox furs or skins or parts of such furs or skins ---------------------------

500 units*

  • NOTE: A unit shall consist of any whole silver or black fox fur

or skin or any part of such a fur or skin contained in such articles. For the period from December 20, 1940 to November 30, 1941, inclusive, the total quantities of the foregoing classes of articles which may be entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption shall be the respective quantities specified above less the amounts of the above classes of articles, respectively, which were entered, or with- drawn from warehouse, for consumption during the period from December 1 to December 19, 1940, inclusive, as determined and made public by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States of America. ARTICLE IV The following shall not be subject to or affect the limitations pro- vided for in Articles II and III: (a) Articles of wearing apparel imported by returning residents or other persons arriving in the United States of America for their personal use and not intended for sale; (b) Articles admitted to entry under paragraph 1615 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended; (c) Live silver or black foxes valued at $150 or more each and shipped to the United States of America prior to the date on which this Agreement en- ters provisionally into force. ARTICLE V The Government of the United States of America reserves the right to terminate Articles II and III of this Agreement and to substitute therefor an autonomous quota regime. Should the Government of the United States of America avail itself of this right, it agrees that the total quantities of the articles specified in Articles II and III permitted to be entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consump- 1323 Total quantities. Any 12-month peri- od commencing Dec. 1 . Period from Dec. 20, 1940 to Nov. 30,1941, Exceptions to1lini- lttions. U. 8 . reservations.