Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/496

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1370 Redistribution pro- hibited. Exception. Activities of U. S. Department of Agri- culture. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [55 STAT. (d) shall prohibit the redistribution of any strains of rubber trees furnished it by the Department of Agriculture of the United States of America to individuals, cooperators, companies, agencies. or governments, except to agencies or governments in the Western Hemisphere which reciprocally agree to furnish similar material which they may have in their possession, upon the understanding that the prohibition provided in this paragraph shall extend to and be applied by any agency or government to which any such strains of rubber trees may be redistributed. ARTICLE II The Department of Agriculture of the United States of America under authority granted by the Congress of the United States of America, (a) shall establish in Costa Rica a central rubber experiment sta- tion, upon the conditions specified above, and make field plantings to demonstrate practical methods of plantation rubber production; (b) shall conduct laboratory and field investigations, and make information concerning the results thereof available for the benefit of the rubber-producing industry in Costa Rica and in other coun- tries of the Western Hemisphere; (c) shall provide, out of funds available to it, any necessary laboratory and office facilities and housing facilities for employees on the land furnished by the Ministry of State for Agriculture of Costa Rica, as may be required for conducting the investigations contemplated by this agreement; (d) shall provide, out of funds available to it, a station super- intendent and such other investigators and specialists in rubber culti- vation as may be required to conduct the investigations, together with such overseers or foremen of labor as may be required to carry on the work properly, provided that in the hiring of foremen or laborers, citizens of Costa Rica shall be given preference; (e) shall provide, free of charge, necessary office space and labora- tory facilities at the central experiment station for two scientists tobe designated, at its option by the Ministry of State for Agri- culture of Costa Rica for the purpose of conducting cooperative investigations on a basis of equality with experts designated by the Department of Agriculture of the United States of America; pro- vided, that the salaries and living accomodations of any such scientists shall be furnished by the Ministry of State for Agriculture of Costa Rica; (f) Shall undertake such experimental studies and field investiga- tions at the central experiment station and on the lands furnished by the Ministry of State for Agriculture of Costa Rica as may be prac- ticable with a view to the establishment of a succesful rubber planta- tion industry; and (g) shall furnish to the Ministry of State for Agriculture of Costa Rica, free of any charge, stocks of superior strains of the rubber tree now in its possession and of any additional superior strains collected by it as a result of surveys or cultivated at its experiment station which, after being tested by it, are found to be superior, such stocks to be furnished at a date as early and in such quantity, as may be possible with the facilities available for propagation and in view of the equitable requirements of any other cooperating agency.