Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/789

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1664 PROCLAMATIONS-AUG. 16, 1941 [55 STAT. Wood ducks.- The open seasons on wood ducks in the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mary- land, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia, shall be the same as the open seasons prescribed in the preceding section for other waterfowl in these States. Rails and gallinules (except coot). -The open season on rails and gallinules (except coot) shall be from September 1 to November 30, both dates inclusive, except as follows: Alabama, November 20 to January 31. Louisiana, November 1 to January 31. Maine, October 1 to November 30. Massachusetts, and New York, including Long Island, October 16 to December 14. Minnesota, September 16 to November 30. Puerto Rico, December 15 to February 12. Tennessee, November 2 to December 31. Wisconsin, October 1 to November 29. California, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington, no open season. Woodcock.-The open seasons on woodcock shall be as follows, both dates inclusive: That part of New York lying north of the tracks of the main line of the New York Central Railroad extending from Buffalo to Albany and north of the tracks of the main line of the Boston & Albany Rail- road extending from Albany to the Massachusetts State line, and in Minnesota, Vermont, and Wisconsin, October 1 to October 15. That part of New York lying south of the line above described and in Connecticut, and Indiana, October 15 to October 29. That part of New York known as Long Island, and in New Jersey, and Rhode Island, November 1 to November 15. Arkansas, and Oklahoma, December 1 to December 15. Delaware, and Maryland, November 15 to November 29. Louisiana, and Mississippi, December 15 to December 29. Maine, New Hampshire, and Ohio, October 10 to October 24. Massachusetts, October 20 to November 3. Michigan, in Upper Peninsula, October 1 to October 15; in remain- der of State, October 15 to October 29. Missouri, November 10 to November 24. Pennsylvania, October 16 to October 30. Virginia, November 20 to December 4. West Virginia, October 17 to October 31. Mourning or turtle dove. - The open seasons on mourning or turtle dove shall be as follows, both dates inclusive: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Car- olina, December 1 to January 11. Arizona, California, Kansas, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, and Oklahoma, September 1 to October 12. Arkansas, Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Ten- nessee, and Virginia, September 16 to October 27. Idaho, September 1 to September 10. Illinois, September 1 to September 30. Minnesota, September 16 to September 30. Oregon, September 1 to September 15. Texas, in Yoakum, Terry, Lynn, Garza, Kent, Stonewall, Haskell, Throckmorton, Young, Jack, Wise, Denton, Collin, and Hunt Coun- ties, and all counties north thereof, and in Parker, Tarrant, Dallas, Rockwall, Kaufman, Johnson, Hopkins, Delta, Franklin, and Ellis