Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/846

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INDEX Child Health Day, 1941, designation --. (hitty, Artis J. , payment to widow of---- Chlebeck, Mrs. Lawrence, payment to-- (irone, Tony, payment to-------------- Citizens, departure from or entry into U. S ., re strictions------------------ Civilian Defense, designation of period for consideration ------------ _-______ Clampitt, C. Wayne, payment to - - - _-- Clark, Daniel, claim to certain lands con- firmed -------------- _ ----------- Clarke, George H., reimbursement for loss of personal property -------------- Classification Act of 1923, Amendments, change in enrollment of bill --------- Cleaves, Eben Vaughn, payment to. ---- Coast Guard, reimbursement of certain personnel for loss of personal prop- erty----------------------------- Coast Guard Station Building, Two Rivers, Wis., changes in enrollment of bill -- Codrington, A. B., payment to--------- Coffee Agreement, Inter-American----- Coleman, Homer B., reimbursement for loss of personal property ---------- Colombia, agreement with, respecting naval mission..-------.--------.. Colter, J. T. , payment to -------------- Combat Areas, definition of ----------- Commercial Agreements. See also Re- ciprocal Trade Agreements. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics----- Conciliation, treaty with Liberia ------- Concurrent Resolutions: Agriculture, Department of, appropria- tion bill, 1942, printing of additional copies of hearings--------------- Classification Act of 1923, amend- ments, change in enrollment of bill- Coast Guard Station Building, Two Rivers, Wis., changes in enrollment of hill -------------- Page 1626 924 939 951 1697 1693 926 981 920 999 948 919 1001 907 1143 960 1336 981 1628 1316 1137 996 999 1001 Congress- Adjournment sine die _- ----- ---- 1002 Electoral votes, proceedings for counting----

995 house of Representatives, adjourn- ment--------------------- 997 Joint meeting of two IIouses_____ 995, 1001 Coronado International Memorial, Ariz., establishment, change in en- rollment of bill------------------ 1000 Costa Rica, felicitations of Congress of, acknowledgment---------------- 998 District of Columbia black-outs, signing of enrolled bill rescinded; change in reenrollment ----------------- 1002 1719 Concurrent Resolutions-Continued. Independent Offices Appropriation Bill, 1942, printing of additional copies of hearings --------- ___-___-___ Interstate migration of destitute citi- zens- Page 997 Hearings, printing of additional copies_ 996 House report, printing of additional copies ------------------------ 997 "Investigation of Concentration of Eco- nomic Power," printing of addi- tional copies of Senate document__ 997 Lend-lease bill, printing of additional copies of hearings ----------- _ 995, 997 Long, Huey P., statue of- Acceptance; thanks tendered to State of Louisiana ----------------- 998 Proceedings at unveiling, printing of- 999 Medical care of Army, Navy, etc., per- sonnel, correction in enrollment of bill .------------------ -- 1001 Mexican Congress, courtesies of, ac- knowledgment ----------------- 1000 National Defense Migration, printing of additional copies of reports ---- _- 1002 "Our American Government: What is it? How does it function?" printing of, as House document-_-------- 998 Price rises, checking of excessive, print- ing of additional copies of hearings_ 1002 "Report of the Committee on Admin- istrative Procedure," printing of additional copies --------------- 996 Revenue Act of 1941- Bill and House report, printing of ad- ditional copies----------------- 999 Hearings, printing of additional copies 1000 Printing of additional copies ------- 1000 "Revenue Revision of 1941," printing of additional copies of hearings------ 998 Virginia (Merrimac)-Monitor Commis- sion, extension of time for making report; expiration of Commission_ 999 Congdon, Lawrence H. , reimbursement for loss of personal property--------- 919 Congress: Adjournment sine die---------------- 1002 Electoral votes, proceedings for count- ing --------------------------- House of Representatives, adjourn- ment .-- ----- ------ ------ ----- - y- Joint meeting of two Houses to receive communications from President- 995, 1001 Conventions. See Treaties. Convertible Door Manufacturing Com- pany, settlement of claim ---------- 899 Cook, I . M., jurisdiction of Court to hear claim


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