Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1017

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77TH GONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 627-OCT. 26 , 1942 Src. 2 . From women citizens of the United States, the Secretary of War is authorized to appoint the Director and such Assistant Directors and field directors as he from time to time may deem necessary and advisable, all of such appointees to serve during the pleasure of the Secretary. The Director shall receive pay and allow- ances at the rate now or hereafter provided by law for a commissioned officer of the Regular Army, without dependents, who is entitled to receive the pay of the sixth pay period. The Director, under the direction of the Chief of Staff of the Army of the United States, shall advise the War Department on matters pertaining to the estab- lishment of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps; shall operate and administer the corps in accordance with normal military procedure of command and administration and such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of War; shall make recommendations as to plans and policies concerning the employment, training, supply, welfare, and discipline of the corps; and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Secretary. Each Assistant Director shall receive pay and allowances at the rate now or hereafter provided by law for a commissioned officer of the Regular Army, without dependents, who is entitled to receive the pay of the fifth pay period; and each field director shall receive pay and allowances at the rate now or hereafter provided by law for a commissioned officer of the Regular Army, without dependents, who is entitled to receive the pay of the fourth pay period. Each Assistant Director and field director shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by regulations published by the Secretary of War. "SEC. 3 . The Secretary is authorized to establish and maintain such number of schools as he may consider necessary for the purpose of training candidates for officers of the corps. The Secretary may establish by regulations the qualifications for entry into such schools, the course of study to be pursued, and the requirements for gradu- ation therefrom. Candidates for such schools may be selected from enrolled members of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps or from women volunteers who are citizens of the United States. Transpor- tation in kind and subsistence may be authorized by the Secretary for such candidates from the place from which authorized to proceed to such schools, and return, or, in lieu of furnishing such transpor- tation in kind and subsistence, to pay them travel allowances at the rate of 5 cents per mile and subsistence allowances at the rate of 1 cent per mile for the distance of such journeys by the shortest usu- ally traveled routes. Payment of such allowances for return journeys may be made in advance of the actual performance thereof. During the attendance of such candidates at such schools, they shall be fur- nished living quarters, uniforms as hereinafter provided, medical and dental service, medicines, medical and hospital supplies, hospi- talization, subsistence, textbooks, necessary school supplies, and pay. All enrolled members of the corps shall receive the pay and allow- ances of their grade as hereinafter provided, and all other candidates shall receive pay at the rate of $50 per month. The Secretary may appoint officers in such number as he may deem necessary for the proper administration of the corps in the grades of first officer, second officer, and third officer, and with such responsibilities as he may direct. First officers, second officers, and third officers shall receive pay and allowances at the rate now or hereafter provided by law for commissioned officers of the Regular Army, without depend- ents, who are entitled to receive the pay of the third, second, and first pay periods, respectively. "SEC. 4. The Secretary is authorized to have enrolled in the corps, in addition to the Director, Assistant Director, field-directors, and officers hereinabove provided for, by voluntary enrollment, women 989 Director, Assistant Directors, and field directors. Pay and allowances; duties. Officers' training schools. Candidates. Transportation, subsistence, and pay. Appointmentoroffi- cers. Pay and allowances. Enrolled personnel. 56 STAT.]