Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1020

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 629-OCT. 26 , 1942 Ante, p.66 . BUREAU OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY Medical Department, Navy, 1943, $19,266,000. Care of the dead, 1943, $500,000. Ante, p65. BUREAU OF YARDS AND DOCKS Maintenance, Bureau of Yards and Docks, 1943, including the pur- chase of two thousand additional motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles at not to exceed $1,250 each, $35,069,775. Ante, p. 67 . BUREAU OF AERONAUTICS Aviation, Navy, 1943, including technical books and periodicals for use in the Bureau of Aeronautics and in the field, $3,822,000,000, of Helium. which $820,000 for the procurement of helium shall be available for Ante, p. 47. transfer to the Bureau of Mines. MARINE CORPS Ante, p. 68. PAY, MARINE CORPS, 1943 Pay of officers, active list, $37,393,567; Pay of enlisted men, active list, $165,986,925; For pay and allowances prescribed by law of enlisted men on the retired list, $283,302; For mileage and travel expenses of officers, $784,848; In all, to be accounted for as one fund, $204,448,642. Ante, p. 69. GENERAL EXPENSES, MARINE CORPS, 1943 Provisions $35,846,000; Clothing, $24,796,000; Fuel, $2,389,000; Military supplies and equipment, $143,302,000; Transportation of troops and recruiting, $12,417,000; Repairs to barracks, $1,288,000; Forage, $43,000; Miscellaneous supplies, including additional motor-propelled pas- Vehicles. senger-carrying vehicles as follows: Twenty at not to exceed $1,400 each and five hundred at not to exceed $1,250 each, $29,919,000; In all, to be accounted for as one fund, $250,000,000. Ante, p. O7. INCREASE AND REPLACEMENT OF NAVAL VESSELS The appropriations "Construction and machinery" and "Armor, armament, and ammunition", shall be available for the construction, acquisition, and conversion of vessels, excluding replacement of com- Ant, p. 65. batant vessels, authorized by Public Law 666. approved July 9, 1942, and for the acquisition, conversion, or construction of auxiliary ton- Ante, p. 6M5. nage authorized by Public Law 665, approved July 9, 1942. NAVAL EMERGENCY FUND outscidalserves The appropriation under this head in the Sixth Supplemental Ante, p. 233. National Defense Appropriation Act, 1942, shall be available, in addi- tion to other objects and purposes mentioned in such Act, for pay- ment for personal services outside the District of Columbia. COAST GUARD ADtp. head-n Salaries, Office of Commandant, United States Coast Guard, 1943, qutera. $495,000; and the number of enlisted men now authorized to be detailed to duty at Coast Guard headquarters is increased to one hundred and fifty. [56 STAT.