Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1063

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56 STAT.] 77TH CONG. , 2 D SESS.- CH. 668 --DEC. 2 , 1942 the basis of evidence that he has disappeared under circumstances such as to make such death or detention appear probable. ASSIGNMENTS, AND 80 FORTH SEC. 207. The right of 'any person to any benefit under title I shall not be transferable or assignable at law or in equity except to the United States, and none of the moneys paid or payable (except money paid hereunder as reimbursement for funeral expenses or as reimbursement with respect to payments of workmen's com- pensation or in the nature of workmen's compensation benefits), or rights existing under such title, shall be subject to execution, levy, attachment, garnishment, or other legal process or to the operation of any bankruptcy or insolvency law. TITLE III AMENDMENT TO DEFENSE BASE ACT SEC. 301. Section 1 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide com- pensation for 'disability or death resulting from injury to persons employed at military, air, and naval bases acquired by the United States from foreign countries, and on lands occupied or used by the United States for military or naval purposes outside the continental limits of the United States, including Alaska, Guantanamo, and the Philippine Islands, but excluding the Canal Zone, and for other purposes", approved August 16, 1941 (Public Law Numbered 208, Seventy-seventh Congress), is hereby amended to read as follows: "That (a) except as herein modified, the provisions of the Long- shoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, approved March 4, 1927 (44 Stat. 1424), as amended, shall apply in respect to the injury or death of any employee engaged in any employment- "(1) at any military, air, or naval base acquired after January 1, 1940, by the United States from any foreign government; or "(2) upon any lands occupied or used by the United States for military or naval purposes in any Territory or possession outside the continental United States (including Alaska; the Philippine Islands; the United States Naval Operating Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; and the Canal Zone); or "(3) upon any public work in any Territory or possession out- side the continental United States (including Alaska; the Philip- pine Islands; the United States Naval Operating Base, Guan- tanamo Bay, Cuba; and the Canal Zone), if such employee is engaged in employment at such place under the contract of a contractor (or any subcontractor or subordinate subcontractor with respect to the contract of such contractor) with the United States; but nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to apply to any employee of such a contractor or subcontractor who is engaged exclusively in furnishing materials or supplies under his contract; "(4) under a contract entered into with the United States or any executive department, independent establishment, or agency thereof (including any corporate instrumentality of the United States), or any subcontract, or subordinate contract with respect to such contract, where such contract is to be performed outside the continental United States and at places not within the areas described in subparagraphs (1), (2), and (3) of this subdvision, for the purpose of engaging in public work, and every such con- tract shall contain provisions requiring that the contractor (and 1035 Persons employed at defense bases. Extension of injury or death benefits. 55 Stat. 622. 42U. S .C ., Supp. I, 1651. 33 U. 8. C.'§§ 901- 950. Bases acquired from foreign governments. Designated lands occupied or used by U.S . Public work In 'lTr- ritories or Ipssessions. In other areas out- side continental U. S.