Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1083

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56 STAT.] 77TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 762-DEC. 17, 1942 person requesting the same. If, within the time to show cause fixed by the board, or at such hearing, if the same be requested, the owner or part owners shall fail to show cause sufficient in the opinion of a majority of said board to prevent the condemnation of such building or part of building, said board shall issue an order condemning such building or part of building, and shall cause a copy of such order to be served on each owner or part owner thereof, and a copy to be affixed to the building or part of building condemned." SEC. 2 . Section 4 of said Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 4 . That from and after fifteen days, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, after a copy of any order of condemnation has been affixed to any condemned building or part of building no person shall occupy such building or part of building." SEC. 3 . Section 5 of said Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 5. That no person having authority to prevent shall permit any building or part of building condemned to be occupied, except as specially authorized by the board for the condemnation of insani- tary buildings in the District of Columbia under authority of section 6 of this Act, after fifteen days, exclusive of Sundays and legal holi- days, from and after the date of service of a copy of the order of condemnation on the owner of such building; or, if there be several part owners of such building, from the latest date of service on any part owner; or, if a copy of such order of condemnation has been affixed to the condemned building or part of building at a date subsequent to the date of service of the notice on any owner or the latest date of service on any part owner, after fifteen days, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, from the date on which said copy of such order of condemnation was so affixed." SEC. 4 . Section 7 of said Act, as amended, is amended to read as follows: "SEa. 7. The owner or owners of any building or buildings con- demned under the provisions of this Act, which cannot be so changed or repaired as to remedy the condition which led to the condemna- tion thereof, shall demolish and remove such building or part of building within the time to be specified by said board in the order of condemnation. And if any owner or part owner shall fail or refuse to demolish and remove said building or part of building within the time so specified he shall be deemed guilty of a nisdemeanor and liable to the penalties provided by section 13 of this Act, and such building or part of building shall be demolished and removed under the direction of the board for the condemnation of insanitary build- ings in the District of Columbia, and the cost of such demolition and removal, including the cost of making good damage to adjoin- ing premises (except such as may have resulted from carelessness or willful recklessness in the demolition or removal of such building), and the cost of publication, if any, herein provided for, less the amount, if any, received from the sale of the old material, shall be assessed by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia as a tax against the premises on which such building or part of building was situated, such tax to be collected in the same manner as general taxes are collected in the District of Columbia." SEC. 5. Section 8 of said Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEc. 8. That whenever said board for the condemnation of insani- tary buildings is in doubt as to the ownership of any building or part of a building, the condemnation of which is contemplated, because the title thereto is in litigation, said board may notify all parties to the suit and may report the circumstances to the corporation counsel of the District of Columbia, who may bring such circumstances to the attention of the court in which such litigation is pending for the pur- 1055 Order of condemna- tion. 34 Stat. 158 . D.C. Code -6 04. Occupancy restrict- ed. 34 Stat. 168. D. C. Code §6-606. Permission to occu- py; time limit. 84 Stat. 168. D. C. Code § -606. 34 Stat. 168. D. C. Code §5607. Removal of build- ings when conditions cannot be remedied. Penalty for fallure. 84 Stnt. 160 . D. C. Code 5-618. Oost assessed as tax. Exception. 34 Stat. 158 . D. C. Code §5-60 Proceedings where title in litigation.