Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1102

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 805, 806 -DEC. 22, 1942 Technical personnel for duty outside U. S. Navy Nurse Corps. Rank, pay, and al- lowances. Ante, p. 646. Funds available. SEC. 6. During the present war and for six months thereafter, the President is authorized to provide for the appointment or enrollment in the Medical Department of the Army of technical and professional, female personnel in categories required for duty outside the conti- nental United States. Such personnel shall be distributed, in accord- ance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of War, in relative ranks and grades corresponding to the commissioned and enlisted grades of the Regular Army; and the Secretary shall have complete authority to define the qualifications for all of the grades in which such personnel are distributed. Such personnel shall receive pay and money allowances for subsistence and rental of quarters and mileage and other travel allowances, as now or hereafter provided by law for military personnel of comparable grade, without dependents. Persons so appointed and their dependents shall be entitled to the same allow- ances and the same rights, privileges, benefits, and gratuities as members of the Army Nurse Corps and their dependents. Persons so enrolled and their dependents shall be entitled to the same allow- ances and the same rights, privileges, benefits, and gratuities as enlisted men of the Regular Army and their dependents. SEr. 7 . That hereafter, during the present war and for six months thereafter, the superintendent and all other members of the Navy Nurse Corps shall have relative rank and be entitled to receive the same pay, and money allowances for subsistence and rental of quar- ters, and mileage and other travel allowances as are authorized by this Act for corresponding grades and relative ranks in the Army Nurse Corps. The Secretary of the Navy is authorized to use appro- priations available to the Naval Establishment to carry into effect the provisions of this section. Approved, December 22, 1942. [CHAPTER 806] December 22, 1942 [H. J. Res. 359] [Public Law 829] JOINT RESOLUTION To amend Public Law Numbered 623, approved June 22, 1942, entitled "Joint resolution to codify and emphasize existing rules and customs pertaining to the display and use of the flag of the United States of America". Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Flag o the U. . A States of America in Congress Assembled, That Public Law Num- Display and uso. Ante, p. 377. bered 623, approved June 22, 1942, entitled "Joint resolution to codify and emphasize existing rules and customs pertaining to the display and use of the flag of the United States of America", be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: That the following codification of existing rules and customs per- taining to the display and use of the flag of the United States of America be, and it is hereby, established for the use of such civilians or civilian groups or organizations as may not be required to conform with regulations promulgated by one or more executive departments of the Government of the United States. COuir dispay. SEC. 2 . (a) It is the universal custom to display the flag only from sunrise to sunset on buildings and on stationary flagstaffs in the open. However, the flag may be displayed at night upon special occasions when it is desired to produce a patriotic effect. oisting and lower- b) The flag should be hoisted briskly and lowered ceremoniously. Inclement weather. c) The flag should not be displayed on days when the weather is inclement. Holidays, etc. (d) The flag should be displayed on all days when the weather permits, especially on New Year's Day, January 1; Inauguration Day, January20; Lincoln's Birthday Febr 12Birthday, February 12; Washingtons Birthday, February 22; Army Day, April 6; Easter Sunday (variable) ; Mother's 1074 [56 STAT.