Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1159

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Federal Works Agency-Continued. Public Roads Administration-Con. Testing-laboratory site, acquisition of land subject to reservation by grantors----- _- -- -- --- -- -- - Vehicles, purchase of _ __--------- Warehouse maintenance, etc-------- Public Works Administration- Appropriation for repayment of loan to District of Columbia -------- Transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations - - Work Projects Administration. See separate title. Feeder Roads, appropriation for Federal aid in construction-_---. - - - - - -- - - Fermented Malt Liquors, tax on----- Fertilizer Investigations, appropriation for_ Field Artillery School, Army, appropria- tion for____. ____----..-----_. . Fifth Judicial Circuit, appointment of ad- ditional judge------------------ Fifth Supplemental National Defense Ap- propriation Act, 1942. See Supple- mental National Defense Appropria- tion Act, 1942, Fifth. Filipinos. See Philippine Islands. Filled Milk Act, appropriation for enforce- ment--------------------------- Fine Arts, Commission of, appropriation for-------------------------- Fine Arts, National Collection of, appro- priation for administration--------- Finland, appropriation for minister to --- Firearms. See also Arms, Ammunition, and Implements of War. Mailing of, to personnel of U. S . en - forcement agencies - .--.. First Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1942. See Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1942, First. First Supplemental National Defense Ap- propriation Act, 1943. See Supple- mental National Defense Appropria- tion Act, 1943, First. Fish. See Food Fishes. Fish and Wildlife Service. See under In- terior, Department of the. Fisheries, Atlantic Seaboard, consent of Congress granted to interstate com- pact-------------------------- Fisheries Commission, International, ap- propriation for --- _------------- Fishery Commodities, price control, re- striction_--- --- -- --- --- --- --- --- Fishery Industries, appropriation for sta- tistical studies concerning-------- Fishery Market News Service, appropria- tion for----.------------------- Five-Cent Pieces, metallic content------- Page 173 408 409 430 154 409 972 678 624 1050 570 510 416 469 141 267 478 27 555 555 1A Five Civilized Tribes, Okla.: Page Appropriation for tribal officers, ex- penses..------------ - -- ____- 527 Restricted estates, probate and distri- bution of ----------------------. 1080 Flag of the United States of America, dis- play and use ---------------__- 377, 1074 Flandreau, S. Dak., appropriation for edu- cation of Indians ----------- .-- - . 523 Flathead Indians, Mont.: Appropriation for- Irrigation systems, etc------------ 519 Land, purchase of _-- ----- ---- ---- 515 Support, etc-------------------- 516,526 Fletcher, Okla., issuance to, of patent for certain lands -------------------- 1067 Flight Officer Act -------------------- 649 Flood Control. See under Rivers and Har- bors. Florida: Appropriation for Indians, support, etc ----------

Atlantic Seaboard fisheries, consent of Congress to entry into interstate compact -----

Barge canal across, construction of; appropriation authorized -----. - Castillo de San Marcos National Mon- ument, designation ------------ Everglades region, appropriation for emergency erosion control; State contribution --------- ___--- Fort Marion National Monument, change of designation ----------- Flour, Mixed, tax on, repeal of provisions_ Fluorspar Mines, income tax, percentage depletion.---_-------------------- Flying Cadets, granting to certain, of Na- tional Service Life Insurance .. ...-- Fond du Lac Hospital, Minn., approlria- tion for------------------------ Fontana Dam, appropriation for construc- tion-------------------------- Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act, Federal, appropriation for enforcement ---- Food and Drug Administration, appro- priation for.-----------. --- --- --- Food Board, Combined, appropriation for_ Food Fishes: Appropriation for- Investigations concerning ---------- Propagation, etc ----------- --- Foot-and-Mouth Disease, appropriation for eradication ------------------- Forage Crops and Diseases, appropriation for investigations, etc-- --------- Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as Amended------------------- Administration, transfer of- .-- -- --- -- Applicability ---------------------- 675 270 703 312 691 312 979 840 796 524 418 570 569 1001 555 554 676 677 248 258 257 INDEX XXXV .-