Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1162

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XXXVIII Gilbertsville, Ky., appropriation for con- Page struction of Kentucky Dam--------- 418 Glacier National Park, Mont., appropria- tion for----------------------- 549, 552 Glenn Dale Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Md., operation of commissary or canteen__ 142 Goose Lake, Oreg. and Calif., quitclaim of title to lands __ ------------------ 323 Gorgas Memorial Laboratory, appropria- tion for contribution; report to Congress------------------------- 474 Government Contracts. See Contracts, Government. Government Departments and Agencies. See also Government Employees. Agriculture, Department of, work for other departments, transfer of funds ---------------------- --- 699 Certifying officers. See separate title. Citizenship requirements- Employees of- Agriculture, Department of------- 702 Canal Zone ------------------ 224, 631 Commerce, Department of ------- 505 Employees' Compensation Com- mission------------------- _ 592 Federal Security Agency---------- 592 Independent Offices-------------- 422 Interior, Department of the ------ 561 Justice, Department of ---------- 505 Labor, Department of____________ 592 Legislative Branch of the Govern- ment --------------------- 349 Maritime Commission------------ 132 National Labor Relations Board__ 592 National Mediation Board ------- 592 National Youth Administration_ 573, 592 Navy Department-------------- . 77 Post Office Department---------- 170 Railroad Retirement Board------ . 592 State, Department of --------- 472, 505 Treasury Department ----------- 170 United States Courts----------- _ _ 505 War Department ---- 224, 225, 613, 631 Payments to certain employees in con- travention of ------------- _ 247, 266 Philippine Islands, nonapplication to citizens of ------------------ 132 Codification of documents, suspension of provisions--------------------- 1045 Contracts, interdepartmental procure- ment of supplies and services by-- 661 Disbursing officers. See separate tite. District of Columbia- Sale of surplus articles to-- -- -. 459 Transfer of offices, etc., from, availa- bility of funds for personal serv- ices----------------- _ ---- ---- 610 Government Departments and Agencies- Page Continued. Federal Reports Act of 1942. See sepa- rate title. Firearms, small, mailing of, to personnel of U. S . enforcement agencies----- 141 Hawaii, payment to, for use of wharves and landings ------------------- 1071 Mail transmitted free of postage, sus- pension of reports--------------- 1006 Missing or captured personnel, pay, allowances, etc -------------- 143, 1092 Overthrow of United States Govern- ment, restriction on employment of persons advocating-------------- 39, 78, 120, 131, 170, 225, 244, 349, 422, 506, 561, 573, 592, 610, 632, 640,702, 721 Appropriation for investigation by Federal Bureau of Investigation- 482 President of the United States, Office of, temporary detail of personnel to__ - 392 Printing and binding- Limitations on designated expendi- tures------------------------ 721 Payment to Government Printing Office------------------------ 348 Procurement Division, Treasury De- partment, transfer or detail of em- ployees to, transfer of funds for__- 160 Procurement of supplies and services, interdepartmental- _-------_--- - 661 Real and personal property needed for war purposes, acquisition of-_ --- _ 177 Records, disposition of, reports on ---- 170 Reports, annual or special, discontinu- ance of printing of---- ---------- 349 Reports, questionnaires, etc. See Fed- eral Reports Act of 1942. Scientific investigations authorized, by- Geological Survey -------------- __ 539 Mines, Bureau of ------ _ .. -- .- _--- 547 Standards, National Bureau of _---_ 499 Travel expenses- Allowance for civilian personnel --- 39 Change of station- ------------- _ 169 Limitations on designated expendi- tures---------------- .- - - -- - 721 Vehicles- Cost limitation ------------ 169, 247, 1005 Maintenance, etc., limitation on ex- penditures for---_------------ 170 Repeal of provision ---------- __ - 247 Purchase, limitation on designated expenditures -- --------- _ --- _ 721 Purchase or exchange, restriction on - - 225 Use for nonofficial purposes, restric- tion--------_--------------- 169 INDEX