Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1178

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INDEX Justice, Department of. See also United Page States Courts. Antitrust Division- Permanent regional offices, restric- tion on use of funds for -------- 484 Salary limitation------------------ 484 Senate approval of appointees at $7,500 or more---------------- 484 Appropriation Act, 1943-------------- 480 Appropriation for- Administrative Division ----------- 480 Alien Enemy Control Unit--------- 242 Antitrust and kindred laws, enforce- ment ----------------------- 484 Assistant Solicitor General, Office of_ 480 Assistant to the Attorney General, Office of-----------.- - - -- - - -- 480 Attorney General, Office of------ 480, 1003 Audited claims-__ _ 115, 119, 606, 609, 1009 Bailiffs ----------------------- 486, 598 Bond and Spirits Division------_ __ _ 484 Claims Division __

---- ___ ___

480 Contingent expenses--------------- 480 Courts. See United States Courts. Criminal Division ---------------- 480 Customs cases, conduct of---------- 483 Damage claims ----------- 110, 602, 1006 District attorneys, etc., salaries and expenses --------------------- 485 Federal Bureau of Investigation----- 105, 481, 598, 717 Damage claims -------------- 105, 598 Emergencies, salaries and expenses for certain ------. ------. 482, 718 Overthrow of U. S . Government, investigation of employees ad- vocating __-- --- --- ---- --- - 482 Immigration and Naturalization Serv- ice----- ----------------- 242,482 Judgments ------------ 110, 112, 603, 604 Judicial offices, examination of------ 484 Lands Division ------ _--------_ 242, 484 Marshals ------------------------ 485 Miscellaneous salaries and expenses, field-------..---____.---.-- Pardon Attorney, Office of ------- Penal and correctional institutions_- Printing and binding ------ 481, 597, Prisons, Bureau of------------_ Solicitor General, Office of-------- Special attorneys, etc., salaries and expenses of-------------__ Special War Effort Unit_- - - 485, 718, Tax Division ------- __ ___ ___ __- Traveling expenses --_ --

____ Veterans' insurance litigation, sal- aries and expenses _-. -_--_- Witnesses --------------. -- --- __ Appropriations, availability of certain.. 485 480 486 1003 482 480 485 1003 480 481 484 486 722 Justice, Department of-Continued. Page Attorney General- Condemnation proceedings, exclusion of certain property------- _ - - -- 797 Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as Amended. See separate title. Immunity from prosecution for acts deemed requisite to war effort- _ _ 357 Attorneys, license requirement -------- 488 Bond and Spirits Division, appointments pursuant to civil-service laws ----- 484 Citizenship requirements, employees-_- 505 Federal Bureau of Investigation, re- striction on payments to civil- service employees_ ______-------_ 482 Immigration and Naturalization Serv- ice- Allowances for living quarters, etc., limitation ------------------ 483 Appropriation authorized----------- 374 Cooperating agencies, reimbursement_ 483 Ellis Island Immigration Station, use of hospitals by Public Health Service---------_ -----------_ 581 Immigrant inspectors, salaries, pro- motions, etc -- ____-.___.-__ 373 Interpreters, nonapplication to, of citizenship requirement ------- _ 505 Minor purchases without advertising_ 483 Traveling expenses, etc ----------- 374 Japanese, funds available for investiga- tion and prosecution ----- _--- -- 489 Obligations, incurred, ratification of certain ------------------------ 722 Overthrow of U. S . Government, re- striction on employment of per- sons advocating ----------------- 06 Public Health Service, assignment of officers to Prison Service; transfer of funds----------------- . . ---- 487 Salaries- Interchangeability of amounts ap- propriated for ------ __ -- __--- - 480 Restriction on use of certain funds for other purposes---------------- 506 Senate disapproval of nomination, re- striction on payment to person after ------------------------- 506 Special attorneys, requirements----- __ _ 485 Reports to Congress concerning --- 485 Salary limitation----------------- _ 485 Senate approval of appointments at $7,500 or more ----- --- ___ 485 State, Department of, matters under joint control, investigations---. 481, 482 Terminal Island, Calif., transfer of funds for replacement of, from Navy Department------- 4AR7 . - .--------------------- -