Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1193

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INDEX Navy Department-Continued. Page Appropriation for-Continued. Medicine and Surgery, Bureau of- - 65, 74, 80,388, 992 Care of the dead _ --_ __ -- 65, 80, 992 Medical Department-- 65, 80, 388, 992 Miscellaneous expenses ----------- 54, 78, 230, 387,991 Naval Communications, Office of Di- rector of --------------------- 74 Naval Intelligence, Office of ------- 74 Naval Observatory ------------ 74, 76, 82 Naval Operations, Office of Chief of_ 74 Naval Personnel, Bureau of __- __--- 56, 74, 79, 230, 387, 991 Miscellaneous expenses----------- 57 Naval Academy ---------------- 58, 79 Naval Home, Philadelphia, Pa --- 59 Naval Reserve ------------- 58, 79, 388 Ocean and lake surveys -------- - 57 Training, education, and wel- fare----------- 56,79, 230, 387, 991 Naval petroleum reserves, operation and conservation ___-- -------- - 55 Naval Records and Library, Office of- 74 Naval Research Laboratory---- 55, 79, 231 Naval vessels- Increase and replacement-------- 70, 81, 232, 389; 992 Repair facilities--------------- 81, 232 Navigation, Bureau of. See Naval Personnel, Bureau of, supra. Ordnance, Bureau of- . - 60, 74, 79, 230, 390 Printing and binding-------------- 75 Prison farms and personnel ------- 56, 230 Public-works projects, authorized-- 51, 248, 742 Appropriation for--__----------- 66, 231 Salaries . . ----------- -------- 74 Secretary, Office of---------- 54, 74, 78, 105, 230, 387, 598, 991 Ships, Bureau of------------------ 59, 74, 79, 230, 388, 390, 991 Maintenance ..- 59, 79, 230, 388, 390, 991 Merchant vessels, defense installa- tions on -----_ . --- ---_ 59,388, 991 Supplies and Accounts, Bureau of ----- 61, 74, 79, 231, 388, 598, 991 Clothing and small-stores fund__ 64, 79, 388 Fuel and transportation ---- 64, 388, 991 Maintenance ---------- 64,79, 388,991 Naval supply account fund---- 79,388 Pay, subsistence, and transporta- tion ---- 61, 79, 231, 388, 598, 991 Yards and Docks, Bureau of------ 65, 74, 80, 231, 992 Contingent expenses ---------- 66 Maintenance ---------- 65, 80, 231, 992 Public works----------------- 66,231 Navy Department-Continued. Appropriations, restriction on depart- LXIX Page mental use-- ----------- __

75, 76 Bachelor officers' quarters, purchase of outfits for messes, funds avail- able ----------------- __------ 390 Bids, estimates to be filed with _______ 77 Bureaus, chiefs of, performance of duties of


Canal Zone- Hours of employment and rates of pay of skilled, etc., personnel_ - Panamanian citizens, employment, etc --------------------- Cash rewards, restriction ------- Charleston County, S. C., School 47 77 77 76 District No. 20, grant of land to- - 308 Citizenship requirements, employees-_ 77, 230 Civil-service employees, removal of certain, in interest of national security ----------------------- 1053 Civilian employees, funds available for travel expenses on change of sta- tion -------------------------- 97 Claims, use of funds for payment of - - 993 Clothing allowance upon discharge for undesirability, etc., increase ------ 79 Coast Guard. See separate title. Colonial National Historical Park, Yorktown, Va., transfer of juris- diction of portion of------------- 1085 Commissioning of persons from civilian life, report to Congress ---------- 369 Compensation in excess of $5,000, ad- ditional positions -------------- 54, 390 Contractors- Funds available for financing of . 233 Private, restriction on use of funds under contracts with-. .... 76 Contracts- Amounts in excess of $100,000- Financial statements of contractors_ 246 Renegotiation provisions ------- 245, 982 Exemptions -------------- --- 985 Amounts in excess of $150,000, filing of list of, with Congress-------- 244 Cost-plus systems, restrictions ----- 178 Excessive profits, recovery, etc., of_ 245, 983 Government-owned facilities, provid- ing of, for construction of war items----------------------- 1053 Negotiation of; priorities ---------- 177 Croatan National Forest, N. C., trans- fer of custody of portion of, to --- 173 District of Columbia- Employeesin, limitation on number- 55, 79 230 Temporary Home for Soldien and Sailors, lease of old naval bospial property------------------ 211 -·