Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1224

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INI EX Vocational Rehabilitation, persons dis- abled in industry, appropriation for- Voorhis Act, appropriation for enforce- ment --------------------------- Voting, Absentee, by members of land and naval forces --------------------- Appropriation for expenses, authorized- Appropriation for ---------------- Page 577 485 753 756 1003 W Wage and Hour Division. See under Labor, Department of. Wages, stabilization of ------------ Wahpeton, N. Dak., appropriation for edu- cation of Indians----------------- Walker, C. W ., validation of conveyance to --------------------------- Walker, Jane, validation of conveyance 76. 523 312 to------------------------------- 312 Walker River Hospital, Nev., appropria- tion for ------------------------ 525 Walker River Irrigation Project, Nev., ap- propriation for----------------- 518, 521 Wapato Irrigation Project, Yakima Indian Reservation, Wash.: Appropriation for ------------------ 520 Elimination of certain lands; adjust- ment, etc., of charges------------ 1081 War. See also National Defense. Declaration of state of, with- Bulgaria --- _ --- --- --- --- --- --- 307 Hungary ---------

307 Rumania ---

307 War, Articles of. See Articles of War, Amendments. War, Secretary of. See War Department. War Contractors, inspection and audit_ 185, 1015 War Contracts. See Contracts, War. War Contributions Fund, establishment-- 181 War Damage Corporation, limitation on funds; provision of insurance------ - 175 War Department. See also Army. Admissions tax, exemptions from------ 70: Aerial flights by nonflying officers, in- creased pay, limitation----------- 61, Aerial photographs for mapping proj- ects for Department of the Interior_ 53' Aircraft, facilitation of procurement, time extension------------------ 311 Airplanes, etc., suspension of limitation on number--------------------- 31' Alaska Railroad Retirement Act, reem- ployment of persons retired under - 1071 Appropriation for- Adjutant General's Department----- 61: Command and General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas--- 61' Air Corps------------- 38,129, 228, 61! Armored Force .- ----- ------ ----229.62A iar Department-Continued. rage Appropriation for- (ontinued. Army War College ..---- -- - l2 Audited claims- 16, 119, 607, 60)9, 1010 Chenlical Warfare Service- 3S, 129, 22S, 6123 Citizens' Military Training - 6-26 Reserve Officers' Training (C'orps 6i26 Contingencies, Arny . . ..- 226, 61( Contingent expenses... -- . 630 Damage claims -------- -- 109, 110, 120, 602, 603, 610, 1005, 1006 Defense aid------------ 38, 130, 229, 632 Engineers, Corps of---------------- 109, 129, 220, 228, 621, 1005 Barracks and quarters --------- 228, 622 Engineer Service --------- 129, 228, 621 Flood control ------------------ 221 Hospitals, construction and re- pair ---------------- - 228, 622 Hydroelectric power----------- 222 Military construction, defense in- stallations ---- -- --- --- --- -- 228 Military posts ------------ --- 228, 621 Rivers and harbors.- - -- - - 109, 220, 1005 Expediting production ------------ 38, 128 Obligations, restriction on incurring of, repeal------------------ 38 Finance Department------------ 226, 612 Courts martial, expenses --------- 615 Deserters, etc., apprehension--. . 227, 615 Finance Service ------------- 227, 615 Pay of the Army-------------- 226, 612 Private property, payment of claims for damage, etc------- 615 Travel of the Army ---------- 226, 613 Inter-American relations ----- _----- 628 Judgments--- 110, 112, 603, 604, 1006, 1007 Medical Department ------ 129, 228, 620 Medical and Hospital Depart- ment---------------- 129, 228, 620 Military Academy-------------- 229, 624 National Board for Promotion of Rifle Practice----------------- 628 National Guard-------

625 Ordnance Department---- 38, 129, 228, 622 Arsenals, repairs of------------ 228, 623 Ordnance service and supplies----- 38, 129, 228, 622 Rock Island Bridge, Rock Island, I---- --- ---.. .-. _ . 623 Organized Reserves-------------- .. . 626 Panama Canal- .- --

222 Philippines, Army of--------------- 628 Printing and binding -------------- 630 Quartermaster Corps and Transpor- tation Service------ 128, 219, 227, 615 Cemeterial expenses-------------- 219 Clothing and equipage - .. - 128, 227, 617 Horses, draft and pack animals-- 129, 618 Incidental expenses ----------- 227. 617 C - - -r - -- - - -

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