Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/158

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130 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 141-MAR . 5 , 1942 [56 STAT. GENERAL PROVISIONS Transfer of funds. SEC. 101. The limitation of 5 per centum upon the amount which may be transferred from one appropriation to another, with the approval of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, contained in 55 Stat. 392. section 3 of the Military Appropriation Act, 1942, is hereby increased to 10 per centum. Disposal of defense SEC. 102. Whenever the President deems it to be in the interest of rtieles. Ante, p. 38; post, national defense, he may authorize the Secretary of War to sell, ' transfer title to, exchange, lease, lend, or otherwise dispose of, to the government of any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States, any defense article procured 255. a. C.,upp.I , from funds appropriated in this title, in accordance with the provi- 5411-419. sions of the Act of March 11, 1941 (Public Law 11): Provided, That Promo. the total value of articles disposed of under this authority shall not exceed $11,250,000,000. Citation of title. SEC. 103. This title may be cited as "Title V, Military Appropria- tion Act, 1942". Constructlon fund. 49 Stat. 1987, 1988; 55 Stat. 681. 46U.S.0. i1116; Supp. I , 1119a note. Contracts. Protisos. Leasing of vessels to designated govern- ments. 55 Stat. 31 . 22U.S.C, Supp.I, §§411-419. Application of cer- tain provisions. 55 Stat. 5. 46 U. S. C., Supp. 1, §§ 1119a, 1119b, 1125a. Second Defense Aid Supplemental Appro- priation Act, 1942. 55 Stat. 53, 745. 55 Stat. 31. 22 U. 8. C., Supp. I, ii 411-419. Procurement of de- fense articles. TITLE II-UNITED STATES MARITIME COMMISSION SEC. 201. Construction fund, United States Maritime Commission: For an additional amount to increase the construction fund estab- lished by the "Merchant Marine Act", as supplemented by title III of the "First Supplemental National Defense Appropriation Act, 1942", for the construction of vessels, production and procurement of parts, equipment, material, and supplies for such vessels, and the establishment, acquisition, construction, enlargement, or extension of plants or facilities, $1,502,000,000, of which not to exceed $2,000,000 shall be available for administrative expenses, and the Commission is authorized, in addition to such appropriation of $1,502,000,000, to enter into contracts for the same purposes (except administrative expenses) in an amount not to exceed $2,350,000,000: Provided, That whenever the President deems it to be in the interest of national defense he may authorize the Commission to lease vessels herein authorized to be constructed to the government of any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of March 11, 1941 (Public Law 11): Provided further, That the provisions of sections 2 and 4, and the several proviso clauses contained in section 1 of the Act of February 6. 1941, shall apply to all the activities and functions which the Commission is hereby authorized to perform. TITLE III-DEFENSE AID SEC. 301. To enable the President, through such departments or agencies of the Government as he may designate, further to carry out the provisions of an Act to promote the defense of the United States, approved March 11, 1941, and for each and every purpose incident to or necessary therefor, the following sums for the following respective purposes, namely: (a) For the procurement, by manufacture or otherwise, of defense articles, information and services, for the government of any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States, and the disposition thereof, including all necessary expenses in connection therewith, as follows: (3) Automobiles, trucks and other automotive vehicles, spare parts, and accessories, $129,015,000. aJ §§