Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/191

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56 STAT.] 77TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 178-MAR. 10, 1942 Provided, That the actual and necessary expenses of officials and employees of the Post Office Department and Postal Service, when traveling on official business, may continue to be paid from the appro- priations for the service in connection with which the travel is per- formed, and appropriations for the fiscal year 1943 of the character heretofore used for such purposes shall be available therefor: Provided further, That appropriations hereinafter made, except such as are exclusively for payment of compensation, shall be immediately avail- able for expenses in connection with the examination of estimates for appropriations in the field including per diem allowances in lieu of actual expenses of subsistence. FIrLD SERVICE, POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE POSTMASTER GENERAL Travel expenses, Postmaster General and Assistant Postmasters General: For travel and miscellaneous expenses in the Postal Service, offices of the Postmaster General and Assistant Postmasters General, $3,000. Personal or property damage claims: To enable the Postmaster General to pay claims for damages, occurring during the fiscal year 1943, or in prior fiscal years, to persons or property in accordance with the provisions of the Deficiency Appropriation Act, approved June 16, 1921 (5 U. S . C. 392), as amended by the Act approved June 22, 1934 (48 Stat. 1207), $50,000. Adjusted losses and contingencies: To enable the Postmaster Gen- eral to pay to postmasters, Navy mail clerks, and assistant Navy mail clerks or credit them with the amount ascertained to have been lost or destroyed during the fiscal year 1943, or prior fiscal years, through burglary, fire, or other unavoidable casualty resulting from no fault or negligence on their part, as authorized by the Act approved March 17, 1882, as amended, $45,000. Provisos. Travel expenses. Examination of esti- mates. 42 Stat. 63. 31U.S.C.I224c. 22 Stat. 39. 39U.S.0.§49. OFFICE OF CHIEF INSPECTOR Salaries of inspectors: For salaries of fifteen inspectors in charge of divisions and seven hundred and thirty-five inspectors, $2,749,500. Traveling and miscellaneous expenses: For traveling expenses of inspectors, inspectors in charge, the chief post-office inspector, and the assistant chief post-office inspector, and for the traveling expenses of four clerks performing stenographic and clerical assistance to post-office inspectors in the investigation of important fraud cases; for tests, exhibits, documents, photographs, office, and other necessary expenses incurred by post-office inspectors in connection with their official investigations, including necessary miscellaneous expenses of division headquarters, and not to exceed $500 for technical and scientific books and other books of reference needed in the operation of the Post Office Inspection Service, $743,000: Provided, That not Chemical, etc., in- exceeding $16,000 of this sum shall be available for transfer by the vestgations. Postmaster General to other departments and independent establish- ments for chemical and other investigations. Clerks, division headquarters: For compensation of two hundred Po, p. n. and eight clerks at division headquarters and one hundred and twenty-four clerks at other posts of duty of post-office inspectors, $780,370. Payment of rewards: For payment of rewards for the detection arrest, and conviction of post-office burglars, robbers, highway mail robbers, and persons mailing or causing to be mailed any bomb,